Up Close & Personal Pastels Georgia O’Keeffe Get inspired! Visit her image gallery – What did you think?gallery.

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Presentation on theme: "Up Close & Personal Pastels Georgia O’Keeffe Get inspired! Visit her image gallery – What did you think?gallery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Up Close & Personal Pastels Georgia O’Keeffe Get inspired! Visit her image gallery – What did you think?gallery

2 Georgia O’Keefe 1887-1986 Female American painter Married famous photographer, Steiglitz Modern and bold views Subject: landscape, nature, flowers, shells, skulls, west (New Mexico) Erotic, bright, expressive colors Cropped/up close New point of view!

3 Georgia’s thoughts… “I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me...shapes and ideas so near to me...so natural to my way of being and thinking that it hasn't occurred to me to put them down... „

4 Stop and Smell the Roses! “So I said to myself-I'll paint what I see-what the flower is to me but I'll paint it big and they will be surprised into taking the time to look at it-I will make even busy New Yorkers take time to see what I see of flowers. „

5 “I hate flowers. I only paint them because they're cheaper than models and they don't move. „

6 Viewfinder Tool used to crop an image Focus on a certain area Like when you look through a camera

7 Use viewfinder to make subject go off at least 3 edges

8 CROP no edges of the object are showing which creates an Abstracted view

9 Abstract Depicts real forms in a simplified way An allusion of the natural subject Your projects will not look like a flower or shell at first glance

10 Oil Pastel * A color stick, oil based O’Keefe used: oil paints Watercolors And pastels

11 Still life drawing! Drawing what you see from life --- you CAN learn how to draw! You will learn observation skills Practice being able to make your hand do what your eyes are seeing. (NOT what you THINK you know)

12 Getting warmed up! Types of drawing: Gesture Drawing = Quick drawing. Scribbles to record an entire object quickly

13 Contour Drawing = Drawing that only uses outlines of objects

14 Blind Contour Don’t look at your paper – no cheating! Don’t pick up your pencil, pretend it is stuck on the paper! One continuous line

15 Gesture vs. Contour

16 PROJECT CRITERIA: -cropped view -goes off at least 3 edges -exaggerated pastel colors -use tints & shades -no white paper showing

17 Student Examples




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