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Process Hazard Analysis DOW Fire & Explosion Index ChE 258 Chemical Process Safety University of Missouri - Rolla.

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1 Process Hazard Analysis DOW Fire & Explosion Index ChE 258 Chemical Process Safety University of Missouri - Rolla

2 DOW Fire & Explosion Index Summary n Originated due to poor loss (accident) record in 1966 n One of the first “chemical plant” hazard analysis systems n Unique Features –Maximum Probable Property Damage –Maximum Probable Days Outage n Continues to be upgraded in use and application n Fill out like a “Tax Form”

3 DOW Fire & Explosion Index F & EI n Uses material factors that relate to reactivity and flammability n Identifies equipment that can present a flammable or explosive hazard n Suggests approaches to control a hazard n Useful in determining plant layout and separation between vessels n Requires engineering judgement n Is not a perfect tool n Is a useful tool

4 DOW Fire & Explosion Index QUANTIFYIDENTIFYCOMMUNICATE The expected damage of potential fire & explosion incidents in realistic terms Equipment that would likely contribute to the creation or escalation of an incident The fire & explosion potential to design teams and plant personnel

5 DOW Fire & Explosion Index n Material Factor –Measure of Reactivity and Flammability n General Process Hazards –Play a primary role in determining the magnitude of a loss incident n Special Process Hazards –Contribute to the probability of a loss incident n Fire & Explosion Index –A measure of the relative hazard and relates to an exposure radius

6 DOW Fire & Explosion Index LOSS CONTROL CREDITS Are features that have proved beneficial in preventing serious incidents and reducing the magnitude of a particular incident *Process Control *Material Isolation *Fire Protection

7 DOW Fire & Explosion Index Actual Maximum Probable Property Damage Represents the property damage that could result from an incident of reasonable magnitude with adequate functioning of protective equipment Maximum Probable Days Outage Time required to rebuild the plant to its original capacity Business Interruption The lost profit to the company due to an incident


9 DOW Fire & Explosion Index Items Required to Develop an F & EI 1. Accurate Plot Plan for an existing plant 2. Preliminary Plot Plan for a new plant 3. Process Flow Sheet 4. F & EI Hazard classification guide 5. F & EI form

10 DOW Fire & Explosion Index IDENTIFY PERTINENT PROCESS UNIT (An item of equipment that could impact the process from a safety & loss prevention standpoint) * Chemical Energy Potential (Material Factor) * Quantity of hazardous materials in the process unit * Capital density * Process pressure and temperature * Past history of problems Not all unit operation need to be analyzed. Knowledge of the process is essential

11 DOW Fire & Explosion Index MATERIAL FACTOR * Measure of the flammability (N F ) and reactivity (N R ) of a material * Material factor adjusted for process conditions -Flash Point -Boiling Point

12 DOW Fire & Explosion Index



15 CONTRIBUTING HAZARD FACTORS Evaluate the process unit to eliminate over estimating penalties *General Process Hazards (F 1 ) *Special Process Hazards (F 2 )

16 DOW Fire & Explosion Index GENERAL PROCESS HAZARDS F 1 Penalties for: Exothermic/Endothermic Material Handling & Transfer Enclosed processes Access Drainage and spill control F & EI workbook has various penalties

17 DOW Fire & Explosion Index SPECIAL PROCESS HAZARDS F 2 Penalties for: Toxic materials (0.2 x N H ) Sub-atmospheric pressure (P<500mHg, 0.5) Dust explosions Operating in flammable range Low temperature operation Corrosion & Erosion Leakage Rotating equipment F & EI workbook has various penalties

18 DOW Fire & Explosion Index SPECIAL PROCESS HAZARDS F 2 Pressure Penalty

19 DOW Fire & Explosion Index SPECIAL PROCESS HAZARDS F 2 Quantity of Flammable/Unstable material Separate figures for process, storage and solids

20 DOW Fire & Explosion Index SPECIAL PROCESS HAZARDS F 2 Use of fired equipment Curve A-1 Release above flash point or combustible dust Curve A-2 Released above boiling point

21 DOW Fire & Explosion Index UNIT HAZARD FACTOR (F3) F 3 = F 1 X F 2 F & EI = Material Factor X F 3

22 DOW Fire & Explosion Index F & EI USED TO DETERMINE An area having a potential for impact from a flammable or over pressure event

23 DOW Fire & Explosion Index F & EI 1 - 60 61 - 96 97 - 127 128* - 158 159+ * Trigger for more detailed PHA Degree of Hazard Light Moderate Intermediate Heavy Severe

24 Area of Exposure Exposure radius from empirical relationship Determined from spills of flammable materials 3 in. deep as well as potential vapor air mixtures DOW Fire & Explosion Index

25 Volume of Exposure Calculate volume as a cylinder with height equal to radius Determine replacement value of equipment in the area (volume) DOW Fire & Explosion Index

26 Damage Factor Determine damage factor from empirical relationship of Unit Hazard (F 3 ) and Material Factor (MF) DOW Fire & Explosion Index

27 BASE MAXIMUM PROBABLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Base Maximum Probable Property Damage (Base MPPD) = Value of the area of exposure X Damage Factor DOW Fire & Explosion Index

28 LOSS CONTROL CREDIT FACTORS F & EI workbook has various credits

29 ACTUAL MAXIMUM PROBABLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Actual Maximum Probable Property Damage (Actual MPPD) = Base MPPD X Credit Factor DOW Fire & Explosion Index

30 MAXIMUM PROBABLE DAYS OUTAGE (MPDO) Maximum Probable Days Outage (MPDO) determined empirically from actual MPPD DOW Fire & Explosion Index

31 BUSINESS INTERRUPTION Business Interruption (BI) = Maximum Probable Days Outage (MPDO) X {Lost Profit before tax/day + Fixed Cost/day} DOW Fire & Explosion Index

32 RISK ANALYSIS DOW Fire & Explosion Index

33 WHAT CAN I DO TO LOWER THE RISK? * Reduce the Hazards (most impact) * Add Loss Control Features (Least impact) * Increase spacing (plant layout) It is more effective to reduce the hazards early in the project than to add loss control features late in the project The system makes us quantify the risk and suggests ways to reduce the risk DOW Fire & Explosion Index

34 The DOW F & EI system challenges you to determine how much risk you are willing to accept. DOW Fire & Explosion Index


36 Determine Material Factor accounting for high operating temperature DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem

37 Fill out like it is a “Tax Form” Begin with the corrected Material Factor DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem

38 General Process Hazards according to F & EI workbook. If it does not apply enter zero DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem

39 For Pressures less that 1000 psig use Figure 2 DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem


41 Determine total BTU’s in system and determine penalty factor from figure 3. DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem


43 Determine Radius of Exposure from the calculated F & EI DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem

44 Determine area exposed to the fire and explosion and determine the value of the equipment DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem

45 Determine the Damage Factor from the F &EI and Unit Hazard Factor (F 3 ). For F 3 greater than 8 use the F 3 = 8 curve DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem

46 Determine the Base Maximum Probable Property Damage (Base MPPF) DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem

47 Determine the Loss Control Credit Factors DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem

48 Calculate Actual Maximum Probable Property Damage (base MPPD x Credit Factor). Use actual MPPD to find Maximum Probable Days Outage DOW Fire & Explosion Index Example Problem


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