RDA Wheat Data Interoperability Working Group Outcomes RDA Outputs P5 9 th March 2015, San Diego.

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Presentation on theme: "RDA Wheat Data Interoperability Working Group Outcomes RDA Outputs P5 9 th March 2015, San Diego."— Presentation transcript:

1 RDA Wheat Data Interoperability Working Group Outcomes RDA Outputs Plenary @ P5 9 th March 2015, San Diego

2 2 The WDI working group in brief  Endorsed by RDA in March 2014  Members: ~=30 members and 15 active members, Wheat scientists, data and metadata technologists  The goal: contribute to the improvement of Wheat related data interoperability by  Building a common interoperability framework (metadata, data formats and vocabularies)  Providing guidelines for describing, representing and linking Wheat related data

3 3  The wheat research community is facing societal challenges  Wheat is the most widely grown crop in the world and provides 20% of the daily protein and food calories in the human diet.  Wheat is the 2 nd most important food crop in the developing world after rice.  With a predicted world population of 9 billion in 2050, the demand for wheat is expected to increase by 60% compared with 2010  To meet this demand, mean annual yield increases must rise from the current level of 1% (2001-2010) to 1.6% (2011-2050)  Interoperability of Wheat related data is necessary to address these challenges  A variety of new technologies are producing an important quantity of heterogeneous data  Wheat related information and data systems are diverse  There is a lack of data harmonization and standards The context

4 4 The results (so far) Surveys Landscape of Wheat related standards and their use by the community Comprehensive overview of Wheat related ontologies and vocabularies Workshops Recommendations Mappings between different data formats Actions to conduct in order to improve the current level of Wheat related data interoperability Interoperability use cases Implementation Interactive cookbook: recommendations + guidelines A repository of Wheat related linked vocabularies (Bioportal)

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6 6 The Wheat related BioPortal will allow one to search for terms across multiple Wheat related vocabularies, browse mappings between terms in different vocabularies, receive recommendations on which vocabularies are most relevant for a corpus, annotate text with terms from vocabularies

7 7  Target users  Wheat related data managers and database developers: guidance for determining formats for representing and storing wheat data  Wheat related researchers: guidance for documenting Wheat data  Software developers designing semantic-based search tools: guidance for choosing specific vocabularies or ontologies to base on  Impacts  Improved data discovery, reusability and interoperability  Standardization and harmonization of data will reduce variability and increase relevance of Wheat data related search tools. Expected Impact

8 8  The main strategy consist in reusing the outputs of the wg as a building block for the Wheat Initiative Wheat Information System (WheatIS)  The WheatIS brings together the major wheat bioinformatics platforms and experts and aims to create a framework for the establishment of a global Wheat Information System  Ongoing project: A virtual research environment (VRE) for data management and analysis which should contribute to addressing the challenge of food security and agriculture sustainability.  The expected outcomes include Standards and guidelines for data sharing and data integration. Adoption

9 9  Metadata (harmonization, minimal metadata sets)  Mappings  Next workshop (summer 2015)  Review and complete the recommendations  Refine and complete the guidelines and the best practices  Finalize the repository of Wheat related vocabularies  Implement the prototype Next steps

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