Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Model Training and Technology Transfer Activities California and Beyond Thomas E. Freese, PhD Pacific Southwest Addiction.

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Presentation on theme: "Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Model Training and Technology Transfer Activities California and Beyond Thomas E. Freese, PhD Pacific Southwest Addiction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Model Training and Technology Transfer Activities California and Beyond Thomas E. Freese, PhD Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center 47 th Semi-Annual SARC Research-to-Policy Meeting Sacramento, CA September 11, 2013

2 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Today’s Agenda What is Technology Transfer?  A Brief History of the Field  The ATTC Technology Transfer Conceptual Model Using the ATTC Model  Keys to success Technology Transfer: What does it really do and why should we care? Network Resources

3 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) What is Technology Transfer?

4 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) A Brief History of the Field

5 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Everett M. Rogers - Diffusion of Innovations First book, 1962 Popularized adoption curve Focused on diffusion up to decision to adopt Identified attributes of innovation that affected adoption Time Adoption

6 Pacific Southwest (Region 9)

7 Where are we now?

8 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) ATTC Network Model of Technology Transfer in the Innovation Process

9 Pacific Southwest (Region 9)

10 Development Creating and initially evaluating an innovation. *An innovation can be an idea, technology, treatment or method, including evidence-based practices.


12 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Translation Explaining the essential elements and relevance of an innovation, then packaging it to facilitate dissemination.

13 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) DISSEMINATION

14 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Dissemination Promoting awareness of an innovation with the goal of encouraging adoption and implementation. Dissemination strategies include raising awareness, building knowledge, and distributing materials.

15 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) ADOPTION

16 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Adoption The process of deciding whether to use an innovation. Adoption may or may not lead to implementation.


18 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Implementation Incorporating an innovation into routine practice. Implementation ideally includes a range of strategies designed to address individual, organizational, and systemic characteristics (e.g., skills training, administrative buy-in, and policy changes).

19 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) 4 Most Important Things About Implementation: 1.Dissemination is not implementation 2.Successful implementation takes 2-4 years 3.Training alone is never enough 4.Fidelity to evidence-based practices affects client outcomes


21 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Diffusion The planned or spontaneous spread of an innovation.


23 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) ATTC Network Model of Technology Transfer in the Innovation Process

24 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Understanding the needs of the organization Be curious about who they are and how this innovation fits their organizational system Build relationship and trust Reflect your understanding to confirm alignment Praise steps toward adoption Summarize goals and steps toward meeting those goals Follow-up frequently and provide additional technical assistance Keys to success

25 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) An Example

26 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Belief in one’s ability may not be a good indicator of proficiency… Walters, et al. (2005). Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, v. 29, 283– 293 I’m an Expert!!! …participants uniformly overestimated their skills

27 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Belief that one has learned a technique may be a deterrent to pursuing additional training. Walters, et al. (2005). Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, v. 29, 283–293.

28 Pacific Southwest (Region 9)

29 STC=Self Treatment Control, W=Worshop, WF=Workshop+Feedback, WC=Workshop+Coaching, WFC=Workshop+Feedback+Coaching Percentage Meeting Overall MI Proficiency Miller, et al. (2004). J Consulting and Clinical Psychology, v. 72, 1050-1062

30 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Training the field in SBIRT Thousands of providers spanning multiple disciplines across California Dense populated urban areas and frontier/rural areas Field is in change responding to all ACA requirements and they often see this as “one more thing.” Resources are limited

31 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) How do we approach this problem to move toward implementation? Adapt to the audience (translation) –Brief –Specific to their needs –Roles delineated by provider Provide key decision makers with the rationale and expected outcomes for implementation (dissemination) Provide multiphase, multidimensional training that is adaptable and accessible

32 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) The training plan

33 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Evaluation

34 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) We must be innovative… and continually expand our expertise

35 Pacific Southwest (Region 9) Contact Information Thomas E. Freese, PhD Director, Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center Director of Training, UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs

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