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Summarizing. What is a summary? Taking a larger selection and reducing it to the main points that are worth remembering.

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Presentation on theme: "Summarizing. What is a summary? Taking a larger selection and reducing it to the main points that are worth remembering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summarizing

2 What is a summary? Taking a larger selection and reducing it to the main points that are worth remembering

3 What are we doing when we summarize? Getting to the main ideas and most important details Focusing on the heart of the matter Not being distracted by extra information or too many examples Trying to find key words and phrases in a passage

4 Good Tips for summarizing 1.Pull out main ideas 2.Focus on key details 3.Use the key words in the summary sentence 4.Think closely on big ideas 5.Write just enough to cover the gist 6.Take notes

5 What NOT to do while Summarizing: 1.…copy word for word 2.…make your summary as long as the original 3.…make your summary LONGER than the original 4.…include every detail 5.…only cover part of the passage 6.…ignore main points

6 Jaguars

7 Jaguars are unique animals in South America, in both their appearance and behavior. Standing up to two feet at the shoulder, and with bodies longer than six feet, jaguars are very large cats. Their yellow-red coats with dotted black spots, make their size even more apparent. Despite being known for their violent behavior, jaguars don’t often attack humans.

8 These cats live mostly in Central and South America. Should they be attacked, jaguars are skilled climbers and swimmers, unlike most other cats. They are likely to escape their predators. While lions may be the “kings of the jungle,” jaguars certainly deserve recognition for being ferocious in their own habitats. Their appearance and abilities make them stand out.

9 Large cats Good swimmers Can climb well + Jaguars are large, South American cats that stand out in the way they look and they can also climb and swim well. Spots, yellow fur South America

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