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Presentation on theme: "DOL PROGRAMME OF ACTION AND STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2009."— Presentation transcript:



3 3 1. MISSION STATEMENT The Department of Labour will play a significant role in reducing unemployment, poverty and inequality through a set of policies and programmes developed in consultation with social partners, which are aimed at: Improved economic efficiency and productivity Skills development and employment creation Sound labour relations Eliminating inequality and discrimination in the workplace Alleviating poverty in employment


5 5 3. PROGRAMME OF ACTION 1. Contribute to employment creation 2. Enhance Skills Development 3. Promote equity in the labour market 4. Protect vulnerable workers 5. Strengthen multi-lateral and bi-lateral relations

6 6 PROGRAMME OF ACTION (cont) 6. Strengthen social protection 7. Promote sound labour relations 8.Strengthen the capacity of labour market institutions 9.Evaluate the impact of labour market policies and programmes 10. Strengthen the Department of Labour’s institutional capacity

7 7 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 1.Contribute to employment creation 1.1DoL actively strives to ensure that its labour market policies and strategies complement growth and development objectives. 1.2New labour market regulations in relation to new job creation strategies, such as co-operatives, developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated 3. STRATEGIC PLAN 2004-2009

8 8 1.3 Social Dialogue is strengthened to support growth and development 1.4 Ongoing monitoring of the achievements and targets of government departments’ GDS commitments 1.5DoL meets its own GDS commitments 1.6Sectoral Skills Plans aligned to sectoral growth strategies 1.7Provincial Skills Plans aligned to Provincial Economic growth and development Strategies STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009

9 9 1.Contribute to employment creation (cont) 1.8 EPWP participants trained (DoL enters MOU with DPW on responsibilities re : EPWP) 1.9 Learnership targets achieved as per the GDS targets 1.10 Exit strategies for people on EPWP and learnerships implemented

10 10 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 2. Enhanced skills development 2.1HRD Strategy revised & implemented. 2.2NSDS 2001-2005 targets achieved and reported on at the Skills Conference 2005

11 11 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 2. Enhanced skills development (cont) 2.3 New NSDS strategy 2005-9 launched at the Skills Conference Feb. 2005 and implemented (a)New SLA’s with SETAs (b)Design and Management of NSF by new funding windows. 2.4 NQF review finalised and implemented. (New legislation passed, implemented, monitored and evaluated)

12 12 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 3. Promote equity in the Labour market… 3.1 Conduct study of the impact of the EE act since its inception and its policy implications 3.2 Strengthen enforcement mechanisms (a)Improved procedural compliance achieved at 70% of the inspected EE designated employers (b)Substantive equity compliance monitored and evaluated

13 13 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 3. Promote equity in the Labour market (Cont) 3.3 Employment Equity Strategy and NSDS 2005 – 2009 aligned 3.4Technical Assistance Guidelines and Codes of Good Practice implemented 3.5 Incremental BEE targets for procurement of goods and services incorporated into Public Entities associated with DoL

14 14 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 3.6 Employment Equity and BB BEE legislation aligned

15 15 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 4. Protect vulnerable workers 4.1 Workers in vulnerable sectors and segments identified and protection extended. Sectoral determinations published for residual and emerging vulnerable workers (Children in performing Arts, Forestry, Taxi, Sheltered Employment) 4.2 Current Sectoral determinations evaluated

16 16 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 4.3 Compliance with DoL legislation increased. 4.4 Establishment of bargaining councils in vulnerable sectors e.g. Security, Civil Engineering, Contract cleaning 4.5 Child Labour Action programme finalised and implemented 4.6 Sheltered employment factories restructured

17 17 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 5. Strengthen multi-lateral and bi-lateral relations with countries in which we have interests. 5.1 Ensure effective participation in the ILO, SADC and AU Labour and Social Affairs Commission 5.2 Effective discharging of South Africa’s obligations to the ILO

18 18 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 5.3 Ensure that objectives of signed bilateral agreements are implemented 5.4 Mobilization, co-ordination and managing of Technical Co-operation

19 19 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 6. Strengthen social protection… 6.1. Ensure improved client satisfaction on UI and CF services 6.2 Achieve financial viability and sustainability of UIF and CF 6.3 Revenue collection improved (By at least 10 % during the first year)

20 20 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 6.4 UI and CF strengthened to better serve their clients 6.5 The coverage of UIF to other vulnerable workers achieved 6.6 Integration of CF and OHS competencies 6.7 Reduction of OHS incidents in targeted industries

21 21 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 6. Strengthen social protection (cont) 6.8 Reduction in workplace fatalities especially in high risk sectors 6.9 National OHS authority is established

22 22 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 7. Promote sound labour relations 7.1 Ensure continuing decline of person days lost due to industrial action 7.2 Ensure an effective and efficient dispute resolution system 7.3 The proportion of workers covered by collective agreements increased 7.4 Improved representation of small business interests in collective agreements

23 23 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 7.5 Inclusion of broader economic and employment growth issues into collective bargaining agreements 7.6 Active engagement and participation by DoL in tripartite statutory bodies 7.7 Social dialogue enhanced and extended 7.8 Ensure effective dispute resolution

24 24 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 8. Strengthen the capacity of labour market institutions 8.1 Improve service delivery provided by statutory bodies and public entities associated with DoL (Clear performance standards for agencies) 8.2 Clients assess the services received from statutory bodies and public entities 8.3 Capacity of social partners to deliver on GDS commitments enhanced by DoL support.

25 25 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 9. Monitor the impact of legislation on broad government policy… 9.1 Bi-annual Labour Market review and labour market statistics reports produced and labour market trends analysed and linked to DoL interventions

26 26 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 9. Monitor the impact of legislation on broad government policy (cont) 9.2 The impact of aggregate and disaggregate DoL policies and programmes on stated goals and objectives will be researched and reported 9.3 Annual client satisfaction surveys conducted on levels of service delivery and made public 9.4 Actively promote the harmonisation of labour market policies and other government policies.

27 27 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 10. Strengthen DoL’s institutional capacity… 10.1 Improve service delivery to the external clients of DoL 10.2 Improve service delivery provided by agencies associated with the Minister of Labour 10.3 Improve service delivery to the internal clients of the DoL 10.4 Improved management practices within DoL

28 28 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2004-2009 10. Strengthen DoL’s institutional capacity (cont) 10.5. Full Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) compliance achieved by DoL 10.6 Internal compliance to the labour laws achieved 10.7 Internal and external communication strengthened

29 29 4. LEGISLATION The following legislation assists the Department in achieving its strategic objectives: – Basic Conditions of Employment Act – Labour Relations Act – Employment Equity Act – Skills Development Act – Skills Development Levies Act – Occupational Health and Safety Act – Unemployment Insurance Act – Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act ( … continue)

30 30 4. LEGISLATION (continued) The following legislation assists the Department in achieving its strategic objectives (continued) –Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act – Nedlac Act – SAQA Act (with DoE)

31 31 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 Purpose: To advance economic development and social justice by fulfilling the primary objects of this Act, which are: a.To give effect to and regulate the right to fair labour practices conferred by section 23(1) of the Constitution by i) establishing and enforcing basic conditions of employment and ii) regulating the variation of basic conditions of employment; (continue …)

32 32 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (continued) Purpose: To advance economic development and social justice by …: b.To give effect to obligations incurred as a member state of the International Labour Organisation.

33 33 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (amended 1997) Purpose: To provide for compensation for disablement caused by occupational injuries or diseases sustained or contracted by employees in the course of their employment, or for death resulting from such injuries or diseases; and to provide for matters connected therewith

34 34 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Employment Equity Act, 1998 Purpose: To achieve equity in the workplace, by a)promoting equal opportunity and fair treatment in employment through the elimination of unfair discrimination; and b)implementing affirmative action measures to redress the disadvantages in employment experienced by designated groups, to ensure their equitable representation in all occupational categories and levels in the workforce.

35 35 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Labour Relations Act, 1995 Purpose: To advance economic development, social justice, labour peace and the democratisation of the workplace by fulfilling the primary objects of this Act, which are: a)To give effect and regulate the fundamental rights conferred by section 27 of the Constitution, b)To give effect to obligations incurred by the Republic as a member state of the International Labour Organisation (continue …)

36 36 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Labour Relations Act, 1995 (continued) c)To provide a framework within which employees and their trade unions, employers and employers’ organisations can collectively bargain to determine matters of mutual interest and formulate industrial policy, d)To promote: Orderly collective bargaining (also at sectoral level), Employee participation in decision-making in the workplace and Effective resolution of labour disputes.

37 37 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Nedlac Act, 1994 Nedlac shall: a)Strive to promote goals of economic growth, participation in economic decision making and social equity; b)Seek to reach consensus and conclude agreements pertaining to social and economic policy; c)Consider all proposed labour legislation relating to labour-market policy before it is introduced in Parliament; (continue …)

38 38 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Nedlac Act, 1994 (continued) Nedlac shall: d)Consider all significant changes to social and economic policy before it is implemented or introduced in Parliament; e)Encourage and promote the formulation of co-ordinated policy on social and economic matters.

39 39 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Occupational Health And Safety Act, 1993 Purpose: To provide for the health and safety of persons at work and persons in connection with the use of plant and machinery; the protection of persons other than persons at work against hazards to health and safety arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work; to establish an advisory council for occupational health and safety.

40 40 4. LEGISLATION (continued) South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 Purpose: To provide for the development and implementation of a National Qualifications Framework and for this purpose to establish the South African Qualifications Authority; and to provide for matters connected therewith.

41 41 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Skills Development Act, 1998 Purpose: To provide an institutional framework to devise and implement national, sector and workplace strategies to develop and improve the skills of the South African workforce; to integrate those strategies within the National Qualifications Framework contemplated in the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995; (continue…)

42 42 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Skills Development Act, 1998 (continued) to provide for learnerships that lead to recognised occupational qualifications; to provide for the financing of skills development by means of a levy-grant scheme and a National Skills Fund; to provide for and regulate employment services.

43 43 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Skills Development Levies Act, 1999 Purpose: To provide for the imposition of a skills development levy; and for matters connected therewith.

44 44 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 Purpose: To establish an unemployment insurance fund to which employers and employees contribute, and from which employees who become unemployed or their beneficiaries, as the case may be, are entitled to benefits and in so doing, to alleviate the harmful economic and social effects of unemployment.

45 45 4. LEGISLATION (continued) Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act, 2002 Purpose: To provide for the imposition and collection of contributions for the benefit of the Unemployment Insurance Fund.



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