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Presentation on theme: "BY JAMES WINSTON JAVIER CLAXTON JILLIAN FRISCIA AND LUCAS JOY."— Presentation transcript:


2  The Chinese have invented so many great, awesome, useful, and very helpful inventions. Throughout China’s long history people still use these inventions all around the world 24/7. Some of these inventions are:  Paper/money, printing, gunpowder, matches, toothbrushes, fishing rods, kites, and many more inventions to come.  I think a lot of other people will make some inventions that will change the world.  This is a Chinese rocket launcher

3  Chinese Wood Block printing is one of China’s greatest inventions, here’s why:  Throughout China’s long history, Wood Block printing has occupied an important position as a handcrafted manufacture. Wood Block printing has made a tremendous contribution to the spread of knowledge. The first illustration of Wood Block printing was during the tang dynasty by a man named Bi Sheng. Bi Sheng must have been a very smart person.

4  Another one of china’s greatest inventions is moveable type printing. This printing station was created by a man named Bi Sheng who also created Wood Block printing. Later on the technology spread to Korea so people all around Asia used the printing. I wonder what Asia would be like if Bi Sheng didn’t invent movable printing. 

5  One of the greatest inventions in the world, paper was first created in china in the second century. The invention paper also helped the Chinese invent the world’s first paper money. The Chinese coin was made of bronze, copper, and had a square hole in the middle. I wonder what the world would be like without the Chinese inventing money. 

6  Gunpowder was one of China’s greatest inventions, it was used for explosives and guns. They used Gunpowder for the explosives in barrels and bombs. Also Gunpowder was used for guns, in the past guns had to be loaded after each shot. Do you think Gunpowder can be used for other reasons?

7  Another invention from China is matches. The reason matches were useful then was because they had no electricity so they could use a match for light. The reason now is so we don’t need to waste electricity and save it for later and instead use matches. Do you think matches are useful?

8  The kite was a great invention. It was invented in China around three thousand years ago. No one really knows when the first kite was flown, but legend has it that a Chinese farmer tied his hat to a string to keep it from blowing away. The earliest kites were used to carry messages to signal people from far away. Over time, kite flying developed into a hobby for the Chinese and is now enjoyed worldwide.

9  The Chinese made these early kites out of bamboo and silk. When Ts’ai Lun invented paper during the Han dynasty people began to make kites out of paper instead of silk. By the time of Tang’s dynasty, most kites were made out of paper instead of silk. I think the Chinese made a fun and very useful invention

10  The earthquake detector was another great invention from China. The earthquake detector was invented by Zhang Heng. Zhang lived during the Han dynasty.

11  Zhang’s earthquake detector was a giant barrel almost 6 feet round. Eight dragons hung down along the outside of the barrel. Under each dragon sat eight bronze toads, each dragon had a small ball in their mouth. A thin stick was placed down the center of the barrel. When the ground shook the stick would drop the ball into one of the eight toads’ mouths. The sound of the ball striking one of the eight toads would let people know there was an earthquake coming and would give them a signal of where the earthquake was coming from. I think the earthquake detector was a very important and useful invention.

12   This is a picture of a firework called a firework rainbow.   Fireworks were invented by the ancient Chinese back in the 7 th century. Fireworks were in a lot of festivals back then. In China, Chinese people could get fireworks from market vendors. Some people even wrote about fireworks! One person who wrote about fireworks called them Chinese flowers. The people who invented fireworks were called pyro technicians.  

13  Chinese fireworks were popular around the 17 th century. A quote from a person was ”they make such fireworks no one in Europe has ever seen”. During the Song Dynasty grand firework displays were held. Fireworks were a culture of China and had it’s origin there until the knowledge of fireworks spread to many other cultures and societies.

14  Inventions all around the world have gotten better. Do you want to invent something? If you do you should try.


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