Katie Koetz, Colleen Morrall, and Jenna Pozzi. Social Workers take action! What is foster care respite? Overview of existing foster care respite program.

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Presentation on theme: "Katie Koetz, Colleen Morrall, and Jenna Pozzi. Social Workers take action! What is foster care respite? Overview of existing foster care respite program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Katie Koetz, Colleen Morrall, and Jenna Pozzi

2 Social Workers take action! What is foster care respite? Overview of existing foster care respite program in Iowa.

3 Jenna Pozzi

4   Programs  The New Deal  Social Security Act  Facts and Statistics  References I will cover

5  The New Deal  Started by Franklin D. Roosevelt  Prominent throughout the 1930s post Depression

6  Social Security Act  Created in 1935  Title IV – Aid for Dependent Children  “ADC, although a federal program, allowed states to pass individual criteria for eligibility that continued to prevent many poor children from receiving assistance because local administrators considered their mothers to be unworthy.” (Rymph, 2012)

7  Facts & Statistics  December 1934, 8 million children under the age of sixteen were living in families receiving emergency relief.” (Rymph, 2012)  Roughly “25,000 to 30,000 age out of foster care each year.” (Dworsky, Napolitano, & Courtney, 2013)

8 Katie Koetz

9   Extra funding from the State of Iowa Economic Costs

10   Foster care respite would:  Decrease amount of abuse in foster homes  Educate foster children  Help foster care children to be more productive members of society  Increase the number of foster care families  Save the State of Iowa money in the long run Economic Benefits

11 Colleen Morrall

12   Dignity and worth of the human person  Care for the less fortunate  Social justice  Equality Social Values

13   Race, ethnicity, religion, class, income, sexual orientation  Stability and equality to families  6,800 foster children in Iowa Families of Iowa

14   Starting the program  Finding funding  Mental health Political Implications

15   Gaining results  Foster care in Iowa  Expansion and the healthy society The Future of Iowa

16   Advocacy for foster respite care  Need for educating others Social Action

17  Questions?

18  References  Dworsky, A., Napolitano, L., & Courtney, M. (2013). Homelessness During the Transition From Foster Care to Adulthood. American Journal of Public Health, 103 (S2), S318–S323. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301455  Rymph, C. E. (2012). From “Economic Want” to “Family Pathology”: Foster Family Care, the New Deal, and the Emergence of a Public Child Welfare System. Journal of Policy History, 24 (1), 7–25. doi:10.1017/S0898030611000352

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