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Roles of Local/State/Federal Legislative- Executive Bodies Bill Ebel, City Manager City of Overland Park, KS.

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Presentation on theme: "Roles of Local/State/Federal Legislative- Executive Bodies Bill Ebel, City Manager City of Overland Park, KS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roles of Local/State/Federal Legislative- Executive Bodies Bill Ebel, City Manager City of Overland Park, KS

2 Objectives: Understand the form and function of local government Be familiar with State and Federal public works agencies Be familiar with City/County/ State public works agencies Roles of Local/State/Federal Legislative- Executive Bodies

3 Important Roles of Government Revenue – taxation Income tax Property tax Sales Tax User fees (utility fees, fines, et al) Expenditures Operating Capital Maintenance Policy direction Community standards

4 Structure of Government Feds: Executive/Legislative/Judicial State: Executive/Legislative/Judicial County: >Commissioners + other elected officials >Executive/Council/Judges City: >Strong Mayor/Council >City Manager/Council >City Commission Special Districts: Executive/Board

5 Role of the Federal Government Pass legislation affecting public works Develop long term infrastructure strategies Manage infrastructure on federal lands Regulate how infrastructure is managed in areas where the national interest is involved Pass out money that congress authorizes for state and local infrastructure projects Incident management

6 State Maintain highways, water resources, state parks, waterways, etc. Various state regulatory agencies (Fish and Game, Water Quality, State Health, etc.) impact how cities and counties do business. Interaction between local agencies and the state is not always amicable, particularly with regard to finances, since they are competing for the same resources. Incident management

7 County Traditionally County Road Districts Acts just like a City PW in unincorporated area Also may act as the NPDES coordinating entity for the county and cities Counties generally have significant social welfare responsibilities Incident management

8 City/Local May be full service or limited Streets Stormwater Water Wastewater Power Generation Solid Waste May or may not have charter (“Home Rule”) Incident management …first responder!

9 Special Districts Set up for many purposes – for PW however, water and sewer utility districts are most significant. Other special districts of interest to PW are those that finance construction and maintenance, such as lighting districts, drainage and floodway districts

10 Summary Public works is a fundamental mission of government at all levels The resources you receive compete with other missions of government Resources are distributed through a political process of deliberation, negotiation, and decision

11 Questions?

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