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Efficient Parallel Set-Similarity Joins Using Hadoop Chen Li Joint work with Michael Carey and Rares Vernica.

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Presentation on theme: "Efficient Parallel Set-Similarity Joins Using Hadoop Chen Li Joint work with Michael Carey and Rares Vernica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficient Parallel Set-Similarity Joins Using Hadoop Chen Li Joint work with Michael Carey and Rares Vernica

2 2 Motivation: Data Cleaning StarTitleYearGenre Keanu ReevesThe Matrix1999Sci-Fi Tom HanksToy Story 32010Animation SchwarzeneggerThe Terminator1984Sci-Fi Samuel JacksonThe man2006Crime Find movies starring Tom Hanks

3 3 Movies starring S..warz…ne…ger? StarTitleYearGenre Keanu ReevesThe Matrix1999Sci-Fi Tom HanksToy Story 32010Animation SchwarzeneggerThe Terminator1984Sci-Fi Samuel JacksonThe man2006Crime

4 4 Similarity Search StarTitleYearGenre Keanu ReevesThe Matrix1999Sci-Fi Samuel JacksonIron man2008Sci-Fi SchwarzeneggerThe Terminator1984Sci-Fi Samuel JacksonThe man2006Crime Find movies with a star “similar to” Schwarrzenger.

5 5 Record linkage Star Keanu Reeves Samuel Jackson Schwarzenegger … Table RTable S Star Keanu Reeves Samuel L. Jackson Schwarzenegger …

6 Step 2: Verification 6 Two-step solution Star … Table RTable S Star … Step 1: Similarity Join

7  Similarity join for large data sets  Techniques applicable to other domains, e.g.: › Finding similar documents › Finding customers with similar patterns 7 Focus of this talk

8  Formulation: set-similarity join  Hadoop-based solutions  Experiments More results: see SIGMOD2010 paper 8 Talk Outline

9 9 Set-Similarity Join Finding pairs of records with a similarity on their join attributes > t

10 10 Why this formulation? “Samuel L. Jackson”  {Samuel, L., Jackson} “Samuel Jackson”  {Samuel, Jackson}  Word tokens:  Gram tokens: S c h w a r z e n e g g e r

11 Set-similarity functions Jaccard Dice Cosine Hamming … All solvable in this framework 11

12  Formulation of set-similarity join  Hadoop-based solutions  Experiments 12 Talk Outline

13  Large amounts of data  Data or processing does not fit in one machine  Assumptions: › Self join: R = S › Two similar sets share at least 1 token 13 Why Hadoop?

14  Map:  (a, 23), (b, 23), (c, 23) 14 A naïve solution  Too much data to transfer   Too many pairs to verify .  Reduce:(a,23),(a,29),(a,50), …  Verify each pair

15 Solving frequency skew: prefix filtering prefix r1 r2 15  Prefixes of similar sets should share tokens  Sort tokens by frequency (ascending)  Prefix of a set: least frequent tokens Sorted by frequency Chaudhuri, Ganti, Kaushik: A Primitive Operator for Similarity Joins in Data Cleaning. ICDE 2006: 5

16 Prefix filtering: example 16  Each set has 5 tokens  “Similar”: they share at least 4 tokens  Prefix length: 2 Record 1 Record 2

17  Stage 1: Order tokens by frequency  Stage 2: Finding “similar” id pairs  Stage 3: id pairs  record paris 17 Hadoop Solution: Overview

18 18 Stage 1: Sort tokens by frequency Compute token frequencies Sort them MapReduce phase 1 MapReduce phase 2

19 19 Stage 2: Find “similar” id pairs Partition using prefixesVerify similarity

20 20 Stage 3: id pairs  record pairs (phase 1) Bring records for each id in each pair

21 21 Stage 3: id pairs  record pairs (phase 2) Join two half filled records

22  Formulation of set-similarity join  Hadoop-based solutions  Experiments 22 Talk Outline

23  Hardware › 10-node IBM x3650 cluster › Intel Xeon processor E5520 2.26GHz with four cores › Four 300GB hard disks › 12GB RAM  Software › Ubuntu 9.06, 64-bit, server edition OS › Java 1.6, 64-bit, server › Hadoop 0.20.1  Datasets: publications (DBLP and CITESEERX) 23 Experimental Setting

24 24 Running time Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 3

25 25 Speedup

26 26 Speedup Breakdown Stage 2 has good speedup

27 27 Scaleup Good scaleup

28  Other methods for the 3 stages  Case: R <> S  Dealing with limited memory 28 Additional results

29  Set-similarity joins in Hadoop:  Three-stage approach using Hadoop  Experimental study 29 Summary

30 Thank you Chen Li @ UC Irvine Source code available at: Acknowledgements: NSF, Google, IBM.

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