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Objective 10/24/11 Create an earthquake-proof building. Intro

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 10/24/11 Create an earthquake-proof building. Intro"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 10/24/11 Create an earthquake-proof building. Intro What things could help make a building more “earthquake proof”?

2 Earthquake-Proof Buildings

3 Earthquake-Proof Buildings
Retrofitting The process of making older structures more earthquake resistant

4 Earthquake-Proof Buildings
Mass damper Active tendon system Weight placed in roof to counteract movement of building Weight placed in basement to counteract movement of building

5 Earthquakes and Buildings

6 Earthquake-Proof Buildings
Base Isolators Cross Braces Built into the foundation of building Act as shock absorbers Make building more stable

7 Earthquakes and Buildings

8 Earthquakes and Buildings

9 Earthquakes and Buildings

10 Earthquake-Proof Buildings
Flexible Pipes Prevents waterlines and gas lines from breaking

11 Earthquakes and Buildings

12 Earthquakes and Buildings

13 Objective 10/24/11 Create an earthquake-proof building. Outro How will you use what you learned today to help you design a better building tomorrow?

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