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Active and Passive Voices. Passive Voice wThe passive voice emphasizes the action being performed rather than the person doing the action wThe passive.

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Presentation on theme: "Active and Passive Voices. Passive Voice wThe passive voice emphasizes the action being performed rather than the person doing the action wThe passive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active and Passive Voices

2 Passive Voice wThe passive voice emphasizes the action being performed rather than the person doing the action wThe passive voice has two main uses:  To present ideas objectively  (Showing that the results are more important than the person doing the work)  “The surveys were tabulated.”  To avoid using names or assigning blame  “An unfortunate error has occurred.”

3 Construction of passive voice sentences: wThey begin with a thing rather than a person wThey use a two-word verb  “is” or “was” followed by a past-tense verb wThey sometimes end with a phrase starting with “by” that identifies the doer of the action  All expenses were approved by the CEO. Starts with a thing Two-word verb Can be left out

4 Active Voice wThe active voice is preferred for most type of business writing because it is shorter, more personal, and more forceful wIn active voice sentences, the subject of the verb performs the action  I heated the solution  You made a mistake

5 Exercise wInstructions:  Decide whether each of the following sentences uses the active or passive voice  Then decide whether it should be changed from one to the other. Be prepared to justify your answer  When necessary, write down the revised version  The first one is done for you

6 Sample Answer wThe new procedure is thought to be superior by the president. Active Voice Passive Voice wIt should be written in the active voice  The president thinks the new procedure is superior

7 Exercise 1.I left the window open last night and killed all the plants. 2.Verification of passwords must be done on a daily basis by security personnel. 3.The observer saw the needle on the gauge jump into the red zone at the same time the circuit overloaded. 4.I cannot approve your loan until you have provided us with collateral. 5.We made a major error by spelling our client’s name wrong in the report. 6.The editing of the financial reports was done over the weekend by the accountant.

8 Exercise (continued) 7.You failed to submit the application before the due date 8.We should not have ordered a separate phone line for each person in the office. 9.It was suggested by the project manager that construction schedules be revised to take advantage of the unusually warm weather. 10.We must delay filling your order because of problems with our supplier. 11.You must send an additional payment of $12 so that we can process your order. 12.The software was installed incorrectly on your computer.

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