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Chapter 8 From DNA to Protein. 8-2 DNA Structure 3 understandingsGenes 1. Carry information for one generation to the next 2. Determine which traits are.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 From DNA to Protein. 8-2 DNA Structure 3 understandingsGenes 1. Carry information for one generation to the next 2. Determine which traits are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 From DNA to Protein

2 8-2 DNA Structure 3 understandingsGenes 1. Carry information for one generation to the next 2. Determine which traits are inherited 3. Easily copied

3 8-2 DNA Structure Structure of DNA *Made of units called nucleotides Nucleotides have 3 parts 1. 5-carbon sugar (Deoxyribose) 2. Phosphate group 3. Nitrogen base

4 Nucleotide Sugar-phosphate “backbone” Hydrogen bonds

5 8-2 DNA Structure Nitrogen bases Adenine (A) Guanine (G) Cytosine (C) Thymine (T) A & G - Purines C & T - Pyrimidines --Contains 2 rings --Contains 1 ring

6 Purine Pyrimidines AdenineGuanineCytosineThymine

7 8-2 DNA Structure DNA Backbone *5-carbon sugar *Phosphate group Chargaff % of C = % of G % of T = % of A *Chargaff’s Rules

8 8-2 DNA Structure Rosalind Franklin *X-ray of DNA *This led to double helix discovery Double helix *2-strands twisted around each other Example: twisted ladder, spiral staircase

9 8-2 DNA Structure Watson & Crick *First to model the double helix Base- pairings *Explains Chargaff’s Rules *Guanine is paired with Cytosine *Thymine is paired with Adenine

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