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Subtracting Across Zeros

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Presentation on theme: "Subtracting Across Zeros"— Presentation transcript:

1 Subtracting Across Zeros
Fourth Grade

2 How can I borrow when the neighbor is a zero?
704 - 438

3 Eight cannot be subtracted from four so we have to go to the next door neighbor to borrow.
704 - 438 But what happens when the next door neighbor is the number zero?

4 How can I borrow when the neighbor is a zero?
704 - 438

5 How can I borrow when the neighbor is a zero?
704 - 438 When the next door neighbor is a zero, you can’t borrow from it. So, you must continue to the next neighbor to see if you can borrow from it.

6 How can I borrow when the neighbor is a zero?
704 - 438 In this problem, the next neighbor is the number seven. We are able to borrow from this neighbor.

7 First you borrow from the seven and make it a six
First you borrow from the seven and make it a six. Then you can go back to the zero and make it a ten. 10 6 704 - 438

8 We no longer have a zero, but we still are not able to subtract eight from four.
10 6 704 - 438

9 We can go back now to the tens place and borrow from our neighbor the ten.
10 6 704 - 438

10 First we borrow from the ten and make it a nine.
9 10 6 704 - 438

11 Then we change the four to a fourteen.
9 10 14 6 704 - 438

12 We are now ready to subtract!
9 10 14 6 704 - 438

13 9 10 14 6 704 - 438 2 6 6

14 How can I borrow when the neighbor is a zero?
300 - 266

15 Six cannot be subtracted from zero so we have to go to the next door neighbor to borrow.
300 - 266

16 When the next door neighbor is a zero, you can’t borrow from it
When the next door neighbor is a zero, you can’t borrow from it. So, you must continue to the next neighbor to see if you can borrow from it. 300 - 266 In this problem, the next neighbor is the number three. We are able to borrow from this neighbor.

17 First you borrow from the three and make it a two
First you borrow from the three and make it a two. Then you can go back to the zero and make it a ten. 10 2 300 - 266

18 We no longer have a zero, but we still are not able to subtract six from zero.
10 2 300 - 266

19 We can go back now to the tens place and borrow from our neighbor the ten.
10 2 300 - 266

20 First we borrow from the ten and make it a nine.
9 10 2 300 - 266

21 Then we change the zero to a ten.
9 10 10 2 300 - 266

22 We are now ready to subtract!
9 10 10 2 300 - 266

23 We are now ready to subtract!
9 10 10 2 300 - 266 3 4

24 Now it is your turn to try one!
9 10 10 6 700 - 211 4 8 9

25 Try another one! 9 10 10 7 800 7 8

26 Try one more! 9 9 10 4 10 10 5,000 4, 8 2 6

27 Now you are ready to try some on your own good luck!

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