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California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Fall 2014 Test Coordinator Meetings October 20 - 23, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Fall 2014 Test Coordinator Meetings October 20 - 23, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Fall 2014 Test Coordinator Meetings October 20 - 23, 2014

2 Topics  2014-15 CAASPP Overview  Smarter Balanced Assessment System  SB Summative Assessment  2014-15 Testing Calendars  SB Interim Assessments  SB Digital Library  Data Readiness  Accessibility Resources

3 Topics (cont’d)  Preparing Students  Success for 2014-15  Key Events  Principal’s Portal  Fall 2014 School Readiness Survey

4 CAASPP System 2014−15 CAASPP comprises the following required assessments:  Smarter Balanced summative computer adaptive test (CAT) and performance task (PT) for ELA and mathematics in grades three through eight and grade eleven  Early Assessment Program (EAP), which will use the Smarter Balanced summative assessments in grade eleven 4

5 CAASPP System (cont’d)  Alternate assessment field test for ELA and mathematics in grades three through eight and grade eleven  Science assessments – California Standards Test (CST), California Modified Assessment (CMA), and California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) – in grades five, eight, and ten 5

6 CAASPP System (cont’d)  All students take the Smarter Balanced assessments, with the following exceptions: – Students with disabilities who take the alternate assessments (ELA and mathematics) – English learners who have been enrolled in a school in the United States less than 12 months (ELA only) 6

7  Standards-Based Test in Spanish (STS) for reading language arts in grades two through eleven  Interim assessments  Formative assessment and processes (Digital Library)  Designated grade two diagnostic assessments 7 CAASPP System (cont’d)

8 CAASPP 2014-15 Results  Smarter Balanced  ELA and mathematics  Grades three through eight and grade eleven  CST, CMA, and CAPA  Science*  Grades five, eight and ten  STS  Reading language arts*  Grades two through eleven *Paper-pencil only 8

9 9 Smarter Balanced –English–language Arts (ELA) –Mathematics Summative assessments Interim assessments Formative assessment processes (Digital Library) California Standardized Test (CST) California Modified Assessment (CMA) California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) Science Alternate assessments –ELA and mathematics (Field Test) Standards-based Test in Spanish (STS) Reading/language arts Grade two diagnostics ELA and mathematics

10 Technology Readiness  Requirements are unchanged from the Field Test  What’s needed?  Computing devices and accessories  Network bandwidth (internal and Internet)  Technical support and training  Facilities (i.e., space, electrical power, etc.) 10

11 Student System Requirements – Secure Browser  Smarter Balanced NEW Secure Browser software application installed on each student’s computing device  Updated version released at the beginning of each school year  Operational version scheduled to be available late October 2014 11

12 High-level Technology Overview State hosted- test delivery servers Test proctor using standard Web browser Student using Smarter Balanced Secure Browser software application

13 A Balanced Assessment System Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness All students leave high school college and career ready Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning Interim assessments Flexible, open, used for actionable feedback Summative assessments Benchmarked to college and career readiness Educator resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction 3

14 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Assess students in grades three through eight and grade eleven in ELA and mathematics content areas. Each content area test will consist of:  A computer adaptive testing component  A performance task (PT) component 14

15 Computer Adaptive Technology Turnaround in weeks compared to months Faster results Fewer questions compared to fixed form tests Shorter test length Provides accurate measurements of student growth over time Increased precision Item difficulty based on student responses Tailored to student ability Larger item banks mean that not all students receive the same questions Greater security GMAT, GRE, COMPASS, ACT, MAP Mature technology 15

16 Testing Schedules Subject & Grade LevelRequirement ELA & math, grades 3-8 Testing window shall not begin until at least 66% of a school’s annual instructional days have been completed, and may continue up to the last day of instruction… ELA & math, grade 11 Testing window shall not begin until at least 80% of a school’s annual instructional days have been completed, and may continue up to the last day of instruction… Science for CST, CMA, CAPA, in grades 5, 8, and 10 The testing window shall be administered during a window of 25 days that includes 12 days before and after completion of 85% of the instructional days. March 4 – June 4 April 15 – June 4 April 9 – May 13

17 ES Testing Window Source: REF-6299, 2014-15 State, District and National Mandated Testing Calendars

18 MS Testing Window Source: REF-6299, 2014-15 State, District and National Mandated Testing Calendars

19 HS Testing Windows Source: REF-6299, 2014-15 State, District and National Mandated Testing Calendars

20 Interim Assessments  The Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments comprise Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs) And Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs)  ICAs and IABs are alike in the following ways:  The quality criteria used for the ICA and IAB items are the same as those used for the summative assessment.  ICAs and IABs use the same universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations.  They will be available to all California teachers  January 2015  ICA and IAB use is optional. 20

21 Interim Assessment Blocks IABs assess fewer sets of skills and:  Use the same targets, by grade level, as the summative blueprints.  Consist of short, focused sets of items.  Provide information about a student’s strengths and needs in relation to the standards.  Offer varied blocks by grade level and subject area. 21

22 Rollout of ICAs and IABs  Initial item pool will be limited in depth.  Initial ICAs and IABs will be in a fixed format  As the item pool grows, ICAs and IABs will become available as computer-adaptive tests (CATs). 22

23 Administration of ICAs and IABs  ICAs and IABs will only be administered online.  The same teacher registration process as the summative assessment will be used.  ICA and IAB administration will use the same test delivery interface as the summative assessment.  Testing intervals are determined locally.  There are no restrictions on the number of times ICAs and IABs may be administered.  The items are not secure. 23

24 Grades Supported Interim Assessments  Interim assessments are available for grades 3 through 8 and for high school; however, administration is not constrained by grade level:  The grade 5 ICAs/IABs, for example, can be administered to grades above or below grade 5  High school IABs, because they test content appropriate across grade levels, could be given in grades 9, 10, 11, and/or 12. 24

25 Scoring and Results of the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments  Items are scored by the Smarter Balanced test delivery engine.  Scoring of human-scored constructed-response items and performance tasks is a local responsibility.  Score reports are generated once the constructed-response item scores and performance task scores are input into the system. 25

26 Use of Interim Assessment Scores  Interim assessment results are reported locally, not to the state.  Interim assessment results are not intended to be used for state and federal accountability.  Results will be exported from the test management system and imported into the student data management system 26

27 Questions?

28 What the Digital Library Is Not … A bank of assessment items A learning management system in which educators can register for training or receive credit by completing specific online courses A library for general public (will require registration and login ) A site to freely post resources 28

29 Criteria for Resources  Aligns with CCSS  Incorporates formative assessment practices  Demonstrates high-quality instruction  Addresses learner differences  Is engaging and user-friendly 29

30 Digital Library

31 Tour of the Digital Library Digital Library Front Page 31

32 Tour of the Digital Library Filter Example 32

33 Tour of the Digital Library Resource Card Example 33

34 Tour of the Digital Library Resource Page 34

35 Tour of the Digital Library Collaboration Page 35

36 Tour of the Digital Library Flag Page 36

37 Preparing for Smarter Balanced

38 Data Readiness: CALPADS CALPADS is the sole source for student enrollment, demographic, and program participation data for the student registration system known as the Test Operations and Management System (TOMS). Updates to these data must be made in CALPADS. District cannot update student enrollment, demographic, and program participation data in TOMS. CALPADS is used for summative and interim assessment test registration Allow for up to 48 hours to process data from CALPADS to TOMS. 38

39 Data Readiness: CALPADS (Cont.) Student accommodations and designated supports are not collected in CALPADS. Student accommodations and supports cannot be uploaded by the District until CALPADS data are available in TOMS (e.g., new enrollments must be uploaded to TOMS prior to accommodations for the newly enrolled student). 39

40 Test Student Registration 40 LAUSD (Information Systems) 1 CDE CALPADS System 2 TOMS 3 Student demographic data Student registration Designated supports and accommodations Los Angeles Unified School District

41 Data Readiness CALPADS is the sole source for student demographic, enrollment, and program data for the student test registration system known as the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) All updates must be made in CALPADS. LEAs cannot update student demographic, enrollment, or program data in TOMS. Student accommodations and designated supports are not collected in CALPADS. Student accommodations and supports cannot be uploaded by the LEA until CALPADS data is available in TOMS.

42 CALPADS to TOMS Data Loading Process CDE’s nightly extract of student-level data from CALPADS and uploads to TOMS. TOMS automated process determines any updates, deletions, and/or additions School reviews TOMS, verify data uploaded, and submit designated supports and accommodations directly to TOMS Continues through testing window Updating CALPADS with Demographic, Enrollment & Program data 1 2 3 4 START 42

43 Accessibility Resources  Purpose and importance of assessment accessibility  Three Categories of Accessibility Resources  Universal Tools  Designated Supports  Accommodations  Recommended Seven-Step Process  Available Resources and Tools 43

44 Importance of Assessment Accessibility  Accuracy and validity of test results  Standardization and consistency of test administration procedures across Consortium states  Equal opportunity to demonstrate learning  Access to assessments 44

45 The three categories of accessibility resources are universal tools, designated supports and accommodations. 1. Universal Tools: Available to all students based on student preference and selection May need to be turned off to meet some students’ access needs (designated supports option) 45 Categories of Accessibility Resources

46 2. Designated Supports: Are available to all students who can benefit from them, including English learners (ELs), struggling readers, and students with attention issues Require recommendation from an adult (or adults) knowledgeable about the student Systematic method for identification recommended 46 Accessibility Resources (cont.)

47 3. Accommodations: Available to students with an individualized education program (IEP) or a 504 plan that specifies the need for such an accommodation Examples: ‒ Closed captioning ‒ Braille ‒ Calculator (non-embedded) ‒ Scribe ‒ American Sign Language 47 Accessibility Resources (cont.)


49 Recommended Seven-Step Process 1. Designate key staff roles and responsibilities. 2. Provide information to parents and training to all staff, as appropriate. 3. Identify students who will benefit from designated supports and will need accommodations per IEP and 504 plans. 49

50 Recommended Seven-Step Process (cont.) 4. Select the designated supports and accommodations for all identified students 5. Enter designated supports and accommodations into TOMS 6. Perform a pre-administration check of assigned designated supports. 7. Check the test administration interface to confirm student has assigned accessibility support. 50

51 Preparing Students for the tests

52 Practice and Training Tests  Practice Tests  Provide students with grade-specific testing experience similar in format and structure to the Field Test, including available supports.  Training Tests  Allow teachers and students to experience the features, functionality, and item types in computer- based testing.  A training test is available for each of three grade bands (3–5, 6–8, and high school) and contains approximately 6–9 items per band, per content area. Practice tests and training tests are available at 52

53 Practice and Training Tests (cont.) Training TestsPractice Tests Purpose Provide students with an opportunity to quickly become familiar with the software and interface features Provide students with a grade- specific testing experience that is similar in structure and format to the Field Test Grade Levels 3 grade bands 3–5 6–8 High school Each grade 3–8, 11 Number and Types of Items Approximately 15 items per grade band (6 in ELA and 8 or9 in math) No performance task Approximately 30 items in ELA and 30 items in mathematics per grade level Includes 1 ELA performance task and 1 mathematics performance task per grade level Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations All that are included on the Field Test are included on the Training Test Most included Refresh scheduled later in the school year Scoring Items are not scoredItems are not scored; however, answer keys and scoring rubrics are available

54 Accessing the Training and Practice Tests CDE Web site: OR California Smarter Balanced Portal: 54 Los Angeles Unified School District

55 What worked in 2013 -14  Collaboration  Communication with stakeholders  Training  Student registration  Technology preparation and troubleshooting  Scheduling

56 Success in 2015 Implement a systemic process to:  Help teachers become familiar with the universal tools, designated supports and accommodations  Identify students who may benefit from student accessibility supports  Enter supports into the Test Operation Management System (TOMS)

57 Success in 2015 Student Readiness  Access to supports during instruction and classroom assessment  Access to devices  Multiple opportunities to acquire and practice accessibility skills  Multiple opportunities to acquire and practice technology skills

58 Success in 2015 Scheduling  Flexible approach  Thoughtful staffing  Mindful of student need (end times, absences, use of accommodations)  Well-planned use of facilities  Aligned with classroom activity administration requirements

59 Success in 2015 Student Registration  Continuous update of student information in CALPADs through MiSIS  Student Name  Grade Level  Program participation  Demographic data  SSIDs

60 Success in 2015 Training  Site Coordinators must attend all face-to-face and online district meetings or webinars  Include technology coordinators  Test Administrator sessions must include hands- on activities with devices  Use Practice and Training test for teachers and students

61 Success in 2015 Technology  Selecting and preparing devices  Test bandwidth capacity (http://  Technology Readiness Calculator  Review SBAC Technical manuals  Monitor list of known technical issues and resolutions on STB web site  Contact ITD for assistance

62 Key Events DatesEvents October 20-23CAASPP Fall 2014 Test Coordinator Meetings October 30SBA Fall 2014 School Readiness Survey Due OctoberDigital Library available NovemberAccessibility Resources Online Presentation NovemberIdentify CAASPP Coordinator in Principal’s Portal November 21Principal Submits Test Security Forms via P. Portal NovemberDelivery of Testing iPad Carts NovemberUsing Practice and Training Tests Online Presentation NovemberNew Test Coordinator Training Los Angeles Unified School District 62

63 Key Events DatesEvents DecemberTOMS System Online Presentation JanuaryTest Administration Training Online Presentation JanuaryInterim Assessments available JanuaryInterim Assessments Online Presentation FebruarySB Test Coordinator Training FebruaryTest Security Online Presentation FebruarySmarter Balanced School Readiness Survey March 4 – June 4SB Testing Window for Grades 3-8 April 15 – JuneSB Testing Window for Grade 11 Los Angeles Unified School District 63









72 Principal Classes  2014-15 CAASPP Principal Training  2014-15 Smarter Balanced Principal Training

73 Test Coordinator Classes  2014-15 CAASPP Security Forms Training  2014-15 CAASPP Coordinator Training  2014-15 Smarter Balanced Coordinator Training

74 Section A – Available Devices


76 Section B – Testing Schedule


78 Section C – Additional Devices

79 Technology Updates  Delivery of testing devices  iPad Cart set up  Storage of testing devices  Configuration of iPads  Uninstalling the old secure browser  Downloading the new secure browser  Technical support

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