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Basic Facts about the U.S. Every Grade School Kid Should Know LRC320 Final Project Informational PowerPoint Katelyn D’Orsi.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Facts about the U.S. Every Grade School Kid Should Know LRC320 Final Project Informational PowerPoint Katelyn D’Orsi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Facts about the U.S. Every Grade School Kid Should Know LRC320 Final Project Informational PowerPoint Katelyn D’Orsi

2 The United States National Anthem Written By: Francis Scott Key Year: 1814 Originally written as a poem -CLICK ON LINK TO LISTEN (lyrics included)

3 Basic Facts Everyone Should Know: Colors: Red, white, and blue Fifty Stars on the Flag: each star represents one of the fifty states that makes up our nation Government: 2 political parties 1) Republicans2) Democrats Republicans: elephant animal symbol Democrats: donkey animal symbol Each state has a capital Each state has its own flower and animal Example: California- Flower=Poppy

4 First Ten Presidents 1)George Washington, 1789-1797 2)John Adams, 1797-1801 3)Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809 4)James Madison, 1809-1817 5)James Monroe, 1817-1825 6)John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829 7)Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837 8)Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841 9)William Henry Harrison, 1841 10)John Tyler, 1841-1845

5 Interesting Flag Facts: Stripes on the flag= white and red Red= blood of the soldiers White=purity 13 stripes on the flag=Original 13 colonies -Flag CAN NOT touch the ground, if it does it must be burned -Flag is raised in the morning and taken down at night -It is a felony to cut a real American flag

6 Current Government: President: Barack Obama Vice President: Joe Biden Speaker of the House: John Boehner Chief Justice: John Roberts Legislature: Upper House= Congress, Senate Lower House= House of Representatives

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