Here are today’s Announcements Welcome Back Basha High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Here are today’s Announcements Welcome Back Basha High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Here are today’s Announcements Welcome Back Basha High School

2 Our Mission Statement

3 BASHA HIGH SCHOOL BHS Still interested in STUCO? Still interested in STUCO? See Mr. Carlin in F116 for Member At Large information. Packets due by May 14 th Interviews will be conducted May 18 th

4 BHS GIRLS’ GOLF !! Interested in playing next year? Informational Meeting in C203 this Thursday, 5/14 right after school – 2:20 p.m. See you there!!!!

5 Graduation Grams Send a gram to your favorite senior. Customizable with a little note. $1 @ all 3 lunches Monday, May 11 – Friday, May 15 Delivered Friday during 1 st and 2 nd hour.

6 Yearbooks are coming! Pick up your yearbooks May 18-20 in F214 during LUNCHES ONLY. You must have your student ID to pick up your book, and everyone must pick up their own book—no picking up books for friends. A limited number of books will be for sale for $80 (cash or check only), so if you still need a book, come the first day. When they are gone, they’re gone! We will also be selling book covers ($3), autograph inserts ($3), and sharpies ($2) If you aren’t sure if you ordered a book or not, check in the bookstore. This year’s book is AWESOME!

7 Class of 2015 CONGRATS SENIORS! Remember to bring your library card! library card! Have overdue library books or fines? Graduation will soon be here! It’s a good time to check on your library account and pay any fines. Visit the Info Desk @ the Basha Library today!

8 Monday, May 18 – Wednesday, May 20 – Traditional Schedule Thursday, May 21 – Periods 1, 3, 5 – Senior Finals Block Day Friday, May 22 - Periods 2, 4, 6 - Senior Finals Block Day Monday, May 25 – No School Memorial Day Holiday Tuesday May 26 – Periods 1, 3, 5 Finals for Grades 9-11 Early Release at 12:18pm Wednesday, May 27 – Periods 2, 4, 6 Finals for Grades 9-11 Early Release at 12:18pm Zero hour meets all days. BASHA FINALS SCHEDULE

9 May 11 th -12 th – Singing (16 bars)2:30-4pm D107 May 13 th -14 th – Acting2:30-4pm D108 May 15 th – Callbacks 2:30-? “ONCE IN EVERY SHOW THERE COMES A SONG LIKE THIS. IT STARTS OFF SOFT AND LOW AND ENDS UP WITH A KISS. OH WHERE IS THE SONG THAT GOES LIKE THIS?”

10 Baseball & Softball Boys & Girls Tennis Track & Field Boys Volleyball If you have COMPLETED your Spring Sport Please return your Uniforms To Mr. Vorpahl in the EQUIPMENT ROOM! If you have COMPLETED your Spring Sport Please return your Uniforms To Mr. Vorpahl in the EQUIPMENT ROOM!

11 #GoBears

12 Join the 2015-16 Color Guard! Perform Compete & Travel Realize Your Potential Workshop 1: May 5 th 4:00 – 6:00 pm Workshop 2/Audition: May 11 th 4:00-6:00 pm No Prior Experience Required! Attend our two workshop dates to learn everything you need for the audition night! Contact Mr. Biczo in D105 with any questions you may have. 480-224-2280 Auditions will be in the D Building (SW Building) on Basha High School Campus Room D105

13 ATTENTION ALL GRADUATING SENIORS! Graduation Practice will be held on May 27th promptly at 6:30am! Graduation Practice will be held on May 27th promptly at 6:30am! Please report directly to the Football Field!

14 Interested in running for the Office of Basha High School’s Chief Science Officer??? See Mr. McKelvy in C-214 See Mr. McKelvy in C-214 Are you intoSTEM? Are you involved in STEM in the community?

15 Summer school information is now available. Classes are being offered at Chandler High School as well as through Chandler Online Academy. Interested students will need to see their counselor prior to registering for either option. 2015



18 #GoBears Congrats to these boys for setting a new Basha record and competing so well Can't to watch the finals Saturday



21 NHS Tutoring Available Every Monday & Wednesday Room C115 - 2:20-3:20pm Includes Honors Classes English: English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12 Math: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Science: Investigative Science, Biology, Chemistry Social Studies: World History, AM/AZ History, & Econ/Gov’t Foreign Language: Depends on the level

22 Want to know what’s happening around Basha each week? When School Starts Visit

23 Tours available for Incoming and prospective AMS and BHS Students Call the Main Office To schedule yours today 480.224.2100

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