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The Bridge Obsession Problem By Vamshi Krishna Vedam.

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1 The Bridge Obsession Problem By Vamshi Krishna Vedam

2 Topics to be discussed  Real-world Problem  Formulating a problem to the Graph  Properties  Solution

3 Konigsberg Bridge Problem:  The Bridge Obsession Problem is also called as The Seven Bridges Of Konigsberg problem.  The Konigsberg bridge problem originated in the city of Konigsberg, formerly in Germany but, now known as Kaliningrad and part of Russia, located on the river Pregel.  The city had seven bridges, which connected two islands with the main- land via seven bridges.

4  People staying there always wondered whether there was any way to walk Over all the bridges exactly once.  Can you find a way?

5 Leonhard Euler (1707 - 1783)  Was a pioneering Swiss Mathematician and Physicist.  He made an important discoveries in fields as diverse as infinitesimal calculus and Graph Theory.  Invented the notation i, π, e, sin, cos, f(x) and more!  Lost sight in both eyes but became more productive, saying “now I have fewer distractions”

6 Formulating a Problem to the Graph Consider  each area as a Vertex.  Each bridge as a edge.

7 Graph A Graph is a set of points called vertices or nodes, connected by lines called edges. vertices edges

8 Traversable Graphs Which of these graphs can be drawn without taking your pen off the paper or repeating any edges?

9 Euler Path and Circuit  An Euler path in a graph is a path that uses every edge of the graph exactly once.  An Euler circuit in a graph is a circuit that uses every edge of the graph exactly once.

10 Properties A graph has an Euler path if and only if it is connected and exactly two of its vertices have odd degrees. A graph has an Euler circuit if and only if it is connected and all its vertices have even degrees

11 Degree Of a Vertex Number of Graph edges meeting at a given node. A vertex with an odd number of edges leads to Odd Vertex. A vertex with an even number of edges leads to Even Vertex.

12 Euler’s Solution for a Problem Euler’s Theorem  If a network has more than two odd vertices, it does not have an Euler path.  If a network has two or less odd vertices, it has at least one Euler path. Which Of the following are Euler Paths? a d b e c ab d c e ab cde

13 No.Of Odd Vertices TraversableComments 0yesStart anywhere end back at the same point. 2yesStart at one odd and end at another odd. More than 2No

14 Adding 8 th Bridge Becomes Euler Path

15 Adding 9 th Bridge Becomes Euler Circuit

16 Solution: An Impossible Problem If we look again at the map of Konigsberg, we see that there are an odd number of bridges coming out of every bit of land, so such a walk around the city is impossible.

17 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



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