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Language development and science education for deaf children Jucivagno Cambuhy, André Rodrigues* and Cristiano Mattos.

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Presentation on theme: "Language development and science education for deaf children Jucivagno Cambuhy, André Rodrigues* and Cristiano Mattos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language development and science education for deaf children Jucivagno Cambuhy, André Rodrigues* and Cristiano Mattos

2 Deaf children education in Brazil [History] 1855 - First school for deaf students ●based on French Sign Language ●teach using signs 1880 - Second International Congress on Education of the Deaf (Milan) ●Oral oriented education ●Stop using sign language From 1911 to 1970 - Oral predominance (Oralism) 1970 - Total communication theory ●A number of modes of communication such as, oral, auditory, written and visual aids

3 Deaf children education in Brazil [History] 1980 - Bilingualism discussion in international level ●Association of Sign Language and Written Portuguese 1994 - The Salamanca statement and framework for action ●All students in the regular schools ●How to include? 2002 - Brazilian Sign Language ( LIBRAS ) Official policy ●Brazilian official second language (recognition) 2005 - Include LIBRAS in Teacher Education Programs (Official policy) 2009 - LIBRAS interpreter professional regulation

4 Deaf children education in Brazil [Context] - 5,7 Mi deaf and hearing impaired students -74.547 in middle and high school -4.485 in elementary -370 professional education -51330 middle school -8.751 high school -9.611 (EJA) -5.660 in universities and colleges 148 Deaf Blind students in universities 30 % deaf and hearing impaired students aren´t literacy 480 mil - in SP 150 mil in São Paulo city

5 The problem -How to include students in Science Classes? -Three ways : Inclusion, School for special needs and bilingual schools (São Paulo city has 6 public schools, and four private school ) -Libras does not have specific signs for many concepts (scientific concepts)

6 What are we searching? -How to create -Instruments -Materials and Strategies

7 The context One bilingual school with 136 students One group 17 students, 8 girls and 9 boys. 9 Year of middle school.

8 -We do not have specific signs to teach some parts of astronomy, biology, physics. -When we have, some signs are completely different (regionalism) and the deaf community have to choose what will be use. -Teachers and interpreters have challenges. the problem of the interpreter is the communication the problem of the teacher is the learning The current issues in teaching Astronomy

9 Building mediation “If we do not have… then we can not teach…” We have to develop a new way.

10 Misleading conceptions “They do in that way because they are deaf...”

11 Local and global communication The development of something locally… communicating something broadly.

12 Thank you !

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