GET UP GET MOVING QUIZ. By Joanna Harries. How to complete this quiz..  You will be asked a set of questions, and you will have to answer them to the.

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1 GET UP GET MOVING QUIZ. By Joanna Harries

2 How to complete this quiz..  You will be asked a set of questions, and you will have to answer them to the best of your ability.  If you answer the question right, the quiz will congratulate you. However, if you answer the question incorrectly, the quiz will ask you to try again.  The purpose to this quiz is to help a wide audience to learn about the importance of calories, and how avoiding certain foods can help you to prevent gaining weight.  After the quiz, you will have gained an understanding of the‘Get up, get moving’ campaign.

3 1) How long should you exercise a week?  A- one hour. A- one hour.  B- two hours. B- two hours.

4 Incorrect.  Better luck next time. Try again.

5 Correct. 2 hours. Well done. Next question.

6 2)What exercise burns the most calories per hour?  A- Golf. A- Golf.  B- Rugby. B- Rugby.  C- Sky diving. C- Sky diving.

7 Incorrect.  Golf- 306 calories per hour. Try again.

8 Correct. Rugby- 680 calories per hour. Well done. Next question.

9 Incorrect.  Sky diving- 238 calories per hour. Better luck next time. Try again.

10 3) What does BMI stand for?  A- Body mass index. A- Body mass index.  B- Being my idea. B- Being my idea.  C- Body mass indicator. C- Body mass indicator.

11 Correct. Body mass index. You’re doing very well. Next question.

12 Incorrect.  Sorry, that’s wrong. Better luck next time. Try again.

13 4) How many calories do you burn by playing bowling for an hour?  A-58 A-58  B-170 B-170  C- 204. C- 204.

14 Incorrect.  Unfortunately, you’ve answered this question incorrectly. Please try again.

15 Correct. You burn 204 calories per hour by bowling. Well done. Next question.

16 5) What food or drink contains the most calories?  A- Snickers bar. A- Snickers bar.  B- Carrots. B- Carrots.  C- Can of Coca Cola. C- Can of Coca Cola.  D- McDonalds big Mac- with cheese. D- McDonalds big Mac- with cheese.

17 Incorrect.  Snickers bar- 273 calories. Better luck next time. Try again.

18 Incorrect.  Carrots- 30 calories. Sorry, you’ve got this question wrong. Try again.

19 Incorrect.  Can of Coca Cola- 207 calories. Unfortunately, you’ve answered this question incorrectly. Try again.

20 Correct. McDonalds big Mac- with cheese- 704 calories. Well done, you’ve answered this question correctly. On the next slide, I will explain the ‘Get up, Get moving’ campaign so you can gain an understanding of why I put this quiz together.

21 Get up, get moving campaign. The purpose to this campaign was to teach myself and others the importance of calories and how avoiding high amounts of them can help you to loose weight. With my information I had previously collected, I managed to put together a data base of how one person lost weight throughout 3 weeks by abiding by a restriction of calories and a set exercise routine.

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