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Solutes, Solvents, Solutions, and Atoms

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Presentation on theme: "Solutes, Solvents, Solutions, and Atoms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solutes, Solvents, Solutions, and Atoms

2 What is a solution? A solution is a mixture where the particles making it up are very small and evenly dispersed throughout the mixture They are made up into two parts: The Solute The Solvent

3 What is a Solute? A solute is the substance to be dissolved.
This is normally a solid examples can be salt, sugar, Kool aid, or Gator Aid.

4 What is a Solvent? The solvent is what does the dissolving. It is the material that breaks the solute down. Water is known as the universal solvent.

5 What is an atom? An atom is a particle that is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. They are the building blocks of all matter.

6 Electron A negatively charged particle
Located in the shells surrounding the nucleus These shells are also called orbits or orbital shells If you have more electrons then protons within an atom then it is a negatively charged atom

7 Proton A positively charged particle
Located in the nucleus along with the neutrons If you have more protons then electrons within an atom then it is a positively charged atom

8 Neutron A neutrally charged particle
Located within the nucleus along with the protons

9 Nucleus The center portion of an atom where protons and neutrons are located

10 Shell The surrounding portion of an atom going around the nucleus
These are where the electrons are located.

11 Example of Carbon Atom Model
-Inner most circle is the nucleus -Two outer circles are shells Blue dots are electrons Red dots are protons Green dots are neutrons

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