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Student Life in School and at Home

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1 Student Life in School and at Home
Chapter 3

2 School Culture Rules, rituals routines (the other 3Rs): teachers’ and students’ perspectives Teachers are very busy, students are often caught in patterns of delay Timekeeping activities To succeed as a student, coping with continual delay is important

3 Watching the clock “On time behavior” on the most powerful cultural lessons in schools’ hidden curriculum 25%-50% of available time for learning lost to other activities Goodlad found enormous difference in efficiency of time usage in schools…about 75% devoted in some schools to instruction The “clock ticking”, one of the most oppressive features of teaching

4 Teacher as Gatekeeper More than one thousand verbal exchanges with students daily Gatekeeping: who will talk, when, for how long and the basic direction of the communication Two-thirds of classroom time is talk, two-thirds done by the teacher Teachers question, students answer Most questions require rote memory to answer Less than a second of wait-time for student answers Less interaction as students get older

5 Classroom Patterns Maintaining order large focus
Students typically work alone…in a group Teachers set the tone and determine the activity Teacher in the front, teaching the whole group Emotionally neutral or flat…little praise or correction Limited range of activities students involved in Significant number of confused students, with little guidance on how to improve Less attractive learning environment as students age

6 Tracking School, as a social system, begin college selection in elementary school, virtually sealed by the finish of 8th grade Social class a critical factor in the selection system Most kids from the upper social class, maybe 15% from the lower social class in college prep classes

7 Kindergarten classroom
Classic study done by Ray Rist (1970s) By 8th day of class, teacher had separated the “fast learners” from the “slow learners”, spent more time with the fast learners, more instruction and encouragement…slow learners got control and ridicule Determined by: physical appearance, socioeconomic status, language usage

8 Tracking Students of color more than 3 times as likely in low track math, whites more than 1.5 time as likely in high track classes Schools with mostly poor kids have fewer advanced classes, more remedial classes With parent intervention, middle and upper class kids with poor grades often placed in more advanced classes Few kids of color in gifted classes Least experienced teachers assigned to lower tracks Friends usually chosen from ability groups Most schools now don’t track…they “ability group”

9 Grade School First grade…teacher important
Second grade…boys begin to break away, sex-segregated Third grade…boys openly challenging teacher, pecking order, pranks, sissies (girls relegated to fringe areas, standing around, playing a little) Girls switch to peers by fourth grade, choose best friends, being “nice”…til upper grades when appearance becomes the key to status Gender walls greater than racial walls

10 High School “the closest thing to a real social system in the society…the closest thing to a closed social system 13 million kids at 20 thousand high schools High school “has little material reward to dispense, so that its system of reward is reflected almost directly in the distribution of status.” Classroom observation (Sadker web page), self concept

11 Changing Family Patterns
Wage earners and parenting America’s new families: alternative families Latchkey kids (commercial TV. for kids is times more violent than prime-time TV. Cartoons average more than 80 violent acts per hour Children at promise: dropping out, sex and pregnancy, AIDS, substance abuse, suicide, gay kids (invisibility), bullying Classroom observation: Sadker: drugs, bullying Video segment 10 “It’s not all academic” “Immigrant students”

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