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Presentation on theme: "Magma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magma

2 Composition of Magma Slushy mix of molten rock, gases, and mineral crystals Elements in magma include: Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminum, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, and Sodium. Most abundant molecule is Silica.

3 Formation of Magma Temperature, Pressure, water content and mineral composition effect magma formation. In the laboratory most rocks melt between degrees Celsius. Increasing pressure raises the melting point Increasing water content lowers the melting point.

4 Types of magma Basaltic Magma
Formed in upper mantle, low silica and gas content, low viscosity. Andesitic Magma Formed when oceanic crust is subducted into mantle, medium silica and gas content, intermediate viscosity. Rhyolitic Magma Formed when molten rock mixes with silica and water rich continental crust, high viscosity, large volume of trapped gases.

5 Basaltic Lava

6 Andesitic Lava

7 Rhyolitic Lava

8 Viscosity Internal resistance to flow.
Ex. Honey, liquid soap, motor oil have higher viscosity than water, vinegar or gasoline.

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