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 HIV/AIDS By: Michelle Merchant, Evelyn Jaramillo, Kylie McCormick, Jelani Carter.

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Presentation on theme: " HIV/AIDS By: Michelle Merchant, Evelyn Jaramillo, Kylie McCormick, Jelani Carter."— Presentation transcript:

1  HIV/AIDS By: Michelle Merchant, Evelyn Jaramillo, Kylie McCormick, Jelani Carter

2 Definition H- Human I- Immunodeficiency V- Virus A- Acquired I- Immuno D- Deficiency S- Syndrome

3 Pathophysiology  Destroys Th cell  1. Effector T cells  2. T-cytotoxic cells  3. Cytokines  Humoral and Cellular Responses  Collaboration of B and T cells  Development of Memory Cells  Defects in cell-mediated/humoral immunity  HIV suppresses immune response against itself  Eventually leads to AIDS

4  HIV is a blood-borne pathogen  Heterosexual Activity  Women make up more than half of people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide  Children with HIV Causes

5 Signs and Symptoms  Fever (recurrent)  Swollen glands  Sore throat  Rash  Fatigue  Muscle and joint aches and pains  Headache  Memory loss  Rapid weight loss  Profuse night sweats  Extreme, unexplained tiredness  Diarrhea  Sores of the mouth, anus, genitals  Pneumonia  Blotches under skin

6 Influences that shape food choices  Habits  Physical activity  Tradition  Personal patterns  Religion  Beliefs, particular consumptions  Ethnicity  How food is prepared  Culture  Geographical regions  Education  Knowledge of disease  SES  Income levels

7 Tests/ Procedures  TRUE GENE HIV-I Genotyping Kit and OpenGene DNA Sequencing System  Roche Amplicor HIV-I Monitor Test  NucliSens HIV-1 QT  OraSure HIV-I Western Blot Kit  Cambridge Biotech HIV-I Urine Western Blot

8 Treatments/ Therapies ART (Antiretroviral Therapy)  HIV can not be cured…  Goal of drug therapy  Decrease viral load  Maintain or raise CD4+ T cell count  Delay onset of HIV related symptoms and opportunistic diseases Nutritional Therapy  Metabolic Complications  Vitamins and Minerals  Symptom Management  Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Support

9 Patient/ Family Education Immediate Needs  Presenting symptoms  Respiratory, pain, fatigue  Psychosocial Support  Depression, sexuality, family interactions, finances  Nutrition  Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance  Skin Integrity Long-term Needs  Maximize quality of life  Medication/therapy adherence  Recognize signs/symptoms/medication effects  Health promotion  Finances  Coping  Access to community services  Spirituality desires

10 POST-TEST  1. Can HIV affect any animal?  2. How long can HIV be present in a persons body before any symptoms are seen?  3. What is the most common symptom of HIV?  4. What tests are commonly used to diagnose a person with HIV?  5. What type of diet is recommended for a patient diagnosed with HIV?

11 POST-TEST 6. How does ART work  A. Cures HIV  B. Decreases viral replication  C. Increase CD4+ T cell count  D. Both A and B 7. What are some ways HIV is transmitted? Select all that apply  A. Blood products  B. Heterosexual and homosexual activity  C. Airborne  D. Breast feeding  E. Fecal-oral

12 LAST POST-TEST!!!  8. Which one is NOT a Patient/Family education immediate need?  A. Pain  B. Fatigue  C. 2 week vacation from nursing school =)  9. In assessment, which factor(s) influence a persons choice in foods  A. Men in Black  B. Lightening McQueen  C. Religion, ethnicity, culture, habits, tradition

13  References Thank You!!! Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2012). Understanding pathophysiology. St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier. S Dindyal, S Dindyal. How Personal Factors, Including Culture And Ethnicity, Affect The Choices And Selection Of Food We Make. The Internet Journal of Third World Medicine. 2003 Volume 1 Number 2. Rolfes, S. R., Whitney, E. N., & Pinna, K. (2012). Understanding clinical nutrition(9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Lewis, S. L., Dirksen, S. R., Heitkemper, M., Bucher, L., & Camera, I. M. (2011).Medical- Surgical nursing: assessment and management of clinical problems(8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. What Is HIV/AIDS? (2014). Retrieved from; hiv-aids/

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