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Lesson Plan Assignment by Tanya Asproth Kindergarten Teacher Frederic Elementary School Frederic, Wisconsin.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Plan Assignment by Tanya Asproth Kindergarten Teacher Frederic Elementary School Frederic, Wisconsin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Plan Assignment by Tanya Asproth Kindergarten Teacher Frederic Elementary School Frederic, Wisconsin

2 Title of Lesson: Space Patterning Date: January 22, 2009
Timeframe of Lesson: Approximately 2 hours (includes time spent in class and the computer lab) Subject Areas: Integrating Science unit on space with a Math unit on patterning j

3 State Standards: Subject Specific:
F.4.3 Work with simple linear patterns and relationships in a variety of ways, including -Recognizing and extending number patterns -Describing them verbally -Representing them with pictures E.4.4 Identify celestial objects (stars, sun, moon, planets) in the sky, noting changes in patterns of those objects over time. Technology Specific: A.4.1 Use common media and technology terminology and equipment A.4.2 Identify and use common media formats A.4.4 Use a computer and communications software to access and transmit information

4 Objectives: Students will identify and extend patterns.
Students will understand that objects exist in space (satellites, moons, stars, planets, etc.) and will use pictures of these objects, through the use of a game on the NASA website, to practice patterning skills.

5 Procedures for Lesson:
1. Ask the students to come down to the carpet area in a pattern (girl, boy, boy, girl, boy, boy) and have them guess the pattern (ABB). Tell the students, “We are going to watch a movie/song on the computer about space. While your watching, listen for space facts.” Students watch the song/movie, called “Zoom Zoom” at 2. Discuss facts learned from the video (the moon consists of mountains, craters, and jagged peaks – not cheese, there is no air or gravity in space, etc.). 3. “There are more things in space along with the moon. Let’s read The Planets in Our Solar System by Franklyn M. Branley to find out what else is in our Solar System.” After reading, discuss other objects in space (satellites, stars, planets, comets, meteorites, asteroids).

6 Procedures Continued…
4. “Next we’ll use pictures of those objects to help us practice our patterning.” Practice patterning on the dry erase board with simple space images (stars, planets, and moons). Review patterns AB, ABC, AABBCC, ABB, AAB. 5. “Next we are going to go to the computer lab where you can play a game that puts objects in space in patterns. You’ll have to complete the patterns by clicking on and dragging the correct picture to fill in the missing pattern piece.” 6. Use the computer in the classroom to model first - model the game. 7. Walk to the lab.

7 Procedures Continued... 8. At the lab, repeat the steps to take to get to the sites while the students click the appropriate links along with you. From the Frederic School District Homepage, click: 1. Elementary School 2. Kindergarten 3. NASA games 4. Level 1 5. “What Comes Next?” - then Play! The NASA game advances to more difficult levels if the students answer the patterning problems correctly. Walk around and observe the students to see if they are choosing the correct pattern pieces.

8 Opportunities to Relearn:
Review with colored transparency shapes on the overhead projector. Have the students identify and extend the patterns on the overhead projector. Students may also use Tangram pieces to help manipulate and create patterns.

9 Independent Practice:
Students will return to the classroom and practice patterning on their Math Practice Workbook page 39 (Lesson 11). (Applying patterning skills on paper.)

10 Assessment or Evaluation:
Students will complete the patterning assessment page in their Kindergarten Assessment Books. Students are asked to identify and extend patterns, as well as create their own. Students will have met the objective if they are able to complete the assessment page with 80% accuracy.

11 Enrichment: Have the students make patterns in a line by using themselves (ex. One student stands, the next student sits, stands, sits, etc.) or use objects around the room (magazine, marker, marker, magazine, marker, marker).

12 Closure: Reinforce the major points learned by reviewing the objects that can be found in space. Ask the students to respond with the correct answer to samples of the patterns given on the game, “Satellite, satellite, moon, satellite, satellite, __________.” After reviewing, students pretend they are rocket ships and zoom off to lunch!


14 Materials: Technology Resources: URLs, Software, # of Computers, Printers, etc… Computer in classroom, computers in lab, headsets, internet sites: Other Resources: Book Titles, Art Supplies, Manipulatives, etc…. Tangram pieces, overhead projector, colored transparency shapes, dry erase board/markers, Math Practice and Assessment pages, book The Planets in Our Solar System by Franklyn M. Branley

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