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By Frank Hoehle.  Mange is a skin disease caused by a mite, strangely enough called, the mange mite.  The two usual diseases caused are: Sarcoptic-caused.

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Presentation on theme: "By Frank Hoehle.  Mange is a skin disease caused by a mite, strangely enough called, the mange mite.  The two usual diseases caused are: Sarcoptic-caused."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Frank Hoehle


3  Mange is a skin disease caused by a mite, strangely enough called, the mange mite.  The two usual diseases caused are: Sarcoptic-caused by Sarcoptes Scabiei, Notoderic-caused by Notodres Centrifera  Both forms are all throughout North America.  Scientists differ on the specificity of the disease, some believe that is is species specific, while others believe that it is cross- species transmissible, i.e. fox to dog.

4  By direct contact such as animals huddling in a burrow, or encountering each other in everyday contact.

5  Sarcoptic-thinning and loss of hair. Wrinkling of skin with scabbing and crusting. Fox exhibit these the most virulently with wet excretions of the head and body.  Notoderic-Hair loss, skin becomes thick and dark, and eventually entire body becomes bare. Squirrels do not develop crusting, but do generally go bald.



8  Mange is a serious disease with fox seemingly hit the hardest by it. In fox, it causes difficulty eating seeing and hearing, which in turn causes emaciation, and eventually death.  Squirrels have been known to spontaneously recover, regrowing hair where bald patches were, and making a full recovery in many cases.

9  Mange is diagnosed by looking at skin scrapings from infected animals under a microscope.

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