BY SAMUEL AND BAYLEA PhilippinesPhilippinesPhilippinesPhilippines.

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1 BY SAMUEL AND BAYLEA PhilippinesPhilippinesPhilippinesPhilippines

2 Location In Southeast Asia situated in West pacific ocean. It concists of 7,107 islands that are broadly under 3 main geographieal divisions.

3 Flag The flag is yellow, white, red and blue. It is called The 3 stars and a sun. The sun on there is golden yellow and the stars are too.

4 Capital City The capital city is Manila.

5 Climate Southeast Asia, situated in the western pacific ocean.

6 Population Demographics of the Philippines are records of human population destiny, ethnicity, education, level, health and economic.

7 Culture People there eat completely different. They eat foods like rice, pork, soy sauce and others more often than we do. They wear completely different clothing to us Australians. They wear clothing that are very colourful, long and pretty. The colour of their skin is different too. DIFFERENT!!

8 FoodFood Philippine cuisine consists of the food, preparation methods and eating costoms found in Philippines. The style of cooking the food associated with it have evolved over many centries from its Austronesian dishes range from the very simple, like a meal of fried salted fish and rice. Some dishes contains: meat and tomato stew, whole roasted pig, veggies in cooked peanut sauce or chicken and/or pork garlic, vinigar, oil and soy sauce.

9 Languages Spoken The Philippine language are a 1991 proposal by Robert Blust that all the languages of the philippines and Northern suluwesi.

10 Main resources and possible exports The Philippines boasts of many different kinds of natuaral water forms, such as bays, rivers, lakes, falls, gulfs, straits and swamps.

11 Interesting Facts - The Philippines is made up of 7,000 islands. - The Philippines flag is the only flag in the whole world that is displayed differantly in times of peace and war. - The country was named by a Spanish explorer named Ruylopez De Villalovos. - The country was named in honour of king Philip II of Spain. - It was the first Southeast Asian country to gain indopendense after world war II. - There are 175 languages and dialects in the Philippines, and 171 of these are actively used in the country. - The country is the largest supplier of expat nurses.

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