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Write your name on the name plate. Fill out Pre-Workshop Questionnaire Begin reading the article at your table Jot down four adjectives which you think.

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Presentation on theme: "Write your name on the name plate. Fill out Pre-Workshop Questionnaire Begin reading the article at your table Jot down four adjectives which you think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write your name on the name plate. Fill out Pre-Workshop Questionnaire Begin reading the article at your table Jot down four adjectives which you think describe a “Numerically Powerful Child”.

2 Tribal Counting   

3 Seize + jingle = Seize + drift = Romp – seize= Romp – nudge = Tribal addition and subtraction

4 We were counting… (sort of) Why can’t we quickly add and subtract? How do we know when students are struggling in math? What’s Happening? Why is this difficult?

5 We can already expect that you will…. Establishing Norms

6 NORMS What do you need to support your own learning? What can you do to support the learning of others?

7 Disagree Agree Take a Stand Listen to the statement. Then, decide if you agree or disagree with the statement and move to the corresponding side of the room. Be prepared to defend your stance. Sometimes, indicators that reveal a child’s understanding are overlooked because the child appears to know the mathematics. Inaccurate assumptions are made that more is comprehended than is the case.

8 Disagree Agree Take a Stand Listen to the statement. Then, decide if you agree or disagree with the statement and move to the corresponding side of the room. Be prepared to defend your stance. If a child does not appear to understand a concept, walking them through the proper steps and having them repeat the process over and over will help build the foundational skills needed to increase understanding.

9 Share the four adjectives you chose to describe a Numerically Powerful Child. How do you envision that your work in this grant will help you develop numerical power for all students? A Numerically Powerful Child

10 Why are we using these assessments?

11 The assessments are not about “helping children be right,” but about uncovering what they need regarding instruction.

12 AMC Assessments Inform instruction Document growth Uncover the child’s edge of understanding Help us understand how children construct mathematical understandings

13 APLUS Assessment Practices to Support Mathematics Learning and Understanding for Students A three year grant which links The Assessing Math Concepts Materials, Investigations Curriculum, and CCSS Grade Level Goals You are Cohort 3; mainly Second Grade teachers

14 Assessing Math Concepts The solution for managing students’ math progress AMC Anywhere Web Developing Number Concepts Activity Books + Common Core State Standards and Investigations

15 What is my role? Implement the assessments according to our CMS Timeline Use the assessment data to make instructional decisions Implement independent work stations and guided groups which align with student needs Complete the online modules (stipends provided)

16 What do you notice?

17 “Mathematical competence develops in children who learn that mathematics makes sense and who learn to trust their own abilities to make sense of it.” - Kathy Richardson Are the Right Answers Enough?

18 Read the introduction. (This is your Book!) Discuss the major ideas at your table Choose two major ideas from your table to write on your piece of construction paper. In a few minutes, you will share your ideas with another table. Introduction to Critical Learning Phases

19 Critical Learning Phases In your grade what critical learning phase(s) are most of your students working on? In your grade what critical learning phase(s) are most aligned to the Standards at your grade level?

20 Read pages 1 -8 in the Blue Book. Each table has a poster. Each participant will grab one marker. As you read the pages in the Blue Book, graffiti ideas which pop out for you. After the group is done reading, discuss the writing on your poster. More About the Critical Learning Phases

21 Use the documents on pages 4-6 in the Blue Book and your Unpacking Documents to make connections between the Number Concepts and the CCSS. Connecting to the Common Core


23 Let’s look at students’ strategies Leprechaun Traps videovideo As you watch… What are the tasks that students are working on? What do you notice about students’ understanding of number sense?

24 12 + 19 + 18+ 17= Mental Math

25 Parts of Numbers! How did knowing the parts of numbers help you make an easier problem to solve? How would you solve the following using your knowledge of parts of numbers? 12 + 19 + 18+ 17=

26 Parts of Numbers! What are the critical skills and knowledge needed for students to successfully work through this task? Make a list with people around you 12 + 19 + 18+ 17=

27 Let’s read about this concept in the Red Book. Read about Michael, p. 48-51 in Red Book After reading talk with your neighbors about: How does the concept develop? What are the Critical Learning Phases? What mathematical ideas are embedded in this concept? How does the concept connect to your CCSS Grade Level Goals? Parts of Numbers

28 Looking at some activities Use the chart on page 50-51 to help you. For each: How do these tasks develop student’s understanding of Parts of Numbers? What would you want to “look for” as students are working on these tasks? Counters in a Cup Snap It Station Grab Bag

29 To subtract children need to know the parts of numbers and see the relationship between composition and decomposition. Children must recognize that one number is contained within another number. Children must understand that the number stays the same even when it is broken apart and recombined in various ways. Hiding Assessment: Learning to Decompose Numbers

30 Hiding Assessment Learning to Decompose Numbers To subtract children need to know the parts of numbers and see the relationship between composition and decomposition. Children must recognize that one number is contained within another number. Children must understand that the number stays the same even when it is broken apart and recombined in various ways. Common Core Alignment:

31 Student hands you a particular number of counters. You will hide some and show the rest, and ask student to identify how many are hiding. The program will prompt you through the numbers to identify: - the largest number the student knows quickly (Ready to Apply) - the smallest number(s) the student needs to work on (Needs Practice) - the smallest number the child needs support to work with (Needs Instruction) What will my students be asked to do during this assessment?

32 What did you notice about Sally’s counting? Let’s Take a look at the Hiding Assessment

33 Go to Log-in information: Use your cms login Materials Needed: cubes Let’s try the Hiding Assessment with a partner!

34 Click “Start Assessment” at the top of the page





39 We will first watch a video of a student interview Take notes as you watch the video. What evidence do you see of the concept we just read about? How is the interview organized? Hiding Assessment

40 Libby What did you think about the assessment overall? What did you notice about Ethan’s responses?


42 Turn to page 134/135 in your blue book. Read the indicators for (A) Ready to Apply and (P) Needs Practice Tatiana’s Results

43 Indicators In your blue book read Determining the Instructional Level for Part One: with counters (middle of p. 126 – 127) What is the difference between A, P+, and P? What do you think about the characteristics of P+? If students can do these what should they be working on?

44 Let’s Discuss Briefly discuss how the hiding assessment ties in with the math program you already using. Discuss : 1. How does the Hiding Assessment connect to specific units in Investigations? 2. How does the Hiding Assessment correlate to the Common Core? 3. How can the Hiding Assessment assist in the teaching of word problems? 4. How does the Hiding Assessment correlate to the mathematical practice?

45 As you move to each station….. 1.Read the teacher directions. 2.ENGAGE in the work like a student. 3.Discuss with your partner/group which games would be beneficial for each student according to their data and record on your matrix. 4.Use the following questions to help guide your thinking.

46 More activities Look at page 134-136 in your blue book Number Arrangements: Using Color Tiles (p. 135) Number Arrangements: Using Toothpicks (p. 135) Number Shapes: Using Spinners (p. 135) Build-a-floor race (p. 136) Apartment buildings (p. 136) Grab-bag subtraction station (p. 136)

47 Discuss Activities For each: What are students doing to deepen their understanding of Number Parts? What would you “look for” as students are working through each task? What Standards in Grade 2 are addressed?

48 Setting up workshop in Investigations Practice, practice, practice routines Using working levels to ensure students are working independently and quietly Meet with one small group a day, use the rest of the time to assess or progress monitor 3-4 students in the class How do I set up my room for AMC?

49 Working Level Board Example

50 Teacher Guided Groups

51 Independent Work Stations

52 Share on the graffiti walls: I-pad apps/resource ideas/websites Management procedures: students and workshop Time strategies for administering assessments Design tips for setting up your classroom Troubles and Tweaks Graffiti Wall

53 Parking Lot

54 For tomorrow: Read p. 65-71 in the red book Take a few minutes to write a reflection on your work today on the EXIT card. Share one idea at your table. Any Questions or Feedback before you leave today? Add to the Parking Lot! REFLECTION and Questions


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