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¡Bienvenidos!. ¿Porque es importante aprender español?  Saber varios idiomas te abre puertas.

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Presentation on theme: "¡Bienvenidos!. ¿Porque es importante aprender español?  Saber varios idiomas te abre puertas."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Bienvenidos!

2 ¿Porque es importante aprender español?  Saber varios idiomas te abre puertas.

3 Muchos países hablan español

4 Previene Alzheimer  Brian Gold found bilingual seniors were better at the task, which had them quickly sorting colors and shapes, than their monolingual peers.  The brains of the monolingual seniors were working harder to complete the task, while the bilingual seniors' brains were much more efficient, more like those of young adults.  Neuroscientists think that having more reserve brain power helps compensate for age-related declines in thinking and memory, and may help protect against the losses caused by Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. The study was published in the Journal of

5 La clase  TO HELP YOU SUCCEED, I ENCOURAGE YOU TO:  Review class vocabulary.  Be attentive in class and be an active participant  Record and complete homework from the daily agenda, or check my website.  Keep track of your grades.

6 Grados  20% – Tests  20% – Notebook Checks  20% – Quizzes  20% – Homework: Homework will be collected regularly and graded for accuracy. Other times it will be graded by completion only.  10% – Special projects, presentations and miscellaneous assignments.  10% – Participation: Students are expected to participate in all class activities (class discussions, games, skits, pair and group work, in-class work).

7 Tarea  Worksheets  Keep your ISN up to date  Journal Entries (2 per week)

8 Reglas del salón  No unnecessary conversation during instruction.  Follow directions the first time they are given.  Come to class on time and prepared (in your seat with your notebook and required supplies ready at the time when class is scheduled to start.) Tardy policy enforced.  Be kind, respectful and polite. (Remember the Golden Rule!)  Be on task- no other work in class please as you will have a limited amount of time to finish your work.  No food, gum, candy or drinks – water is permitted. You may eat healthy snacks during transition.

9 ¡Empezamos!

10 Objetivos  I can greet and say good bye to people of different ages.  I know the days of the week and can make comments about them.

11 Objetivo 1: saludar  Vocabulario  Casual:  Hola  Formal:  Buenos días, señora.  Buenas tardes, señorita.  Buenas noches, señor.  ¿Como estas?  Bien  Mas o menos  Mal

12 Objetivo 1: despedirse  General  Adios  Chao  If you plan to see the person again soon.  Hasta pronto  Hasta luego  If you plan to see the person the next day  Hasta mañana

13 Objetivo 1: saludar y despedirse  Actividad 1  Draw a stick figure on the following page. Make sure it’s easy to see whether it’s a señor, señora, or señorita. Give it a name.  1 – morning  2 – afternoon  3 - night

14 Objetivo 2: la semana LunesMartesMiércolesJuevesViernesSábadoDomingo MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday

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