Inquiry Inservice Day 4.  Reciprocal Teaching is a guided reading comprehension strategy used in student directed groups of four.  The strategy fosters.

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Presentation on theme: "Inquiry Inservice Day 4.  Reciprocal Teaching is a guided reading comprehension strategy used in student directed groups of four.  The strategy fosters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inquiry Inservice Day 4

2  Reciprocal Teaching is a guided reading comprehension strategy used in student directed groups of four.  The strategy fosters the development of comprehension skills that proficient readers do automatically.

3  The guided reading comprehension strategy has been found to be motivating.  In a review of 16 studies, reciprocal teaching had a positive impact on reading comprehension (Frey & Fisher, 2007).

4  Students are taught to use four kinds of comprehension strategies to understand text. PredictingQuestioningClarifyingSummarizing

5  Students are organized into groups of four.  The text is segmented into smaller chunks so students can monitor their understanding throughout the reading.  At each stopping point, students use the four comprehension strategies to make meaning.

6  The predictor predicts with evidence.  Other students agree or disagree.  Students are taught to:  Make connections to background knowledge and experience  Use headings, pictures and other text features.  Skim and scan text. My prediction is… My evidence …

7  The questioner poses questions for the group to discuss.  Students are taught to ask literal and inferential questions. Where is…? Why is that happening?

8  The clarifier asks for or gives clarification (concepts, ideas, words).  The clarifier leads a discussion of how a confusing point might be cleared up  Use a dictionary  Check a glossary  Ask the teacher I need to have ____ clarified. Do you need anything clarified?

9  The summariser summarises the main ideas of the section read.  The others can add to the summary. I think the most important ideas are… My summary is…

10  The reading strategies must be taught first using the Optimal Learning Model before using them in collaborative groups.

11 Frey, N. & Fisher, D. (2007). Reading for information in elementary school: Content literacy strategies to build comprehension. Columbus, Ohio: Pearson Education, Inc. cal_teaching_strategy_handout__copy_2_0.pdf

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