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We have the goals and the plans. The challenge is… closing the IMPLEMENTATION gap. -Douglas Reeves.

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Presentation on theme: "We have the goals and the plans. The challenge is… closing the IMPLEMENTATION gap. -Douglas Reeves."— Presentation transcript:

1 We have the goals and the plans. The challenge is… closing the IMPLEMENTATION gap. -Douglas Reeves

2 Norms for the day… Ask questions Listen for understanding Apply to your school

3 SINA Action Plan on a Page

4 Share Out What are the strengths in your action plan? What was one thing that was enhanced after your Peer Review?


6 Reflect - Assess - Collaborate Send electronic copy to

7 Learning TargetsSuccess Criteria Understand the use of formative and summative SMART goals in monitoring progress. I can create formative and summative SMART goals to monitor the progress of our SINA action plan. Understand how to use the science/research of implementation. I can create implementation tools to monitor the progress of our SINA action plan Implementation

8 SINA – Implementation of Action Plan -consistently share action plan with all stakeholders- Implementation Action Plan Professional Development Formative Evaluation Questions Requires ongoing Specifies Monitors Student Achievement Teacher Implementation Behavior Determine impact on… 4 Key Components Administrators are supportive and actively involved Adequate time provided Teachers given frequent opportunities to collaborate and do so meaningfully Adequate resources allocated How will data be collected? Who will collect these data and when? How will data be shared and with whom? How will the data be analyzed? How often and how will implementation data be compared with formative student achievement data? IPDM Monitor Student Achievement Monitor Teacher Behavior Structure for Teacher Collaboration Adjust Training and Supports What are students/teachers experiencing? Are students showing learning gains? Should we increase/decrease our use of certain strategies? What tools are needed to monitor progress? What did the comparison of teacher implementation data and student outcome data tell you? Do changes need to be made? KASAB

9 Learning TargetsSuccess Criteria Understand the use of formative and summative SMART goals in monitoring progress. I can create formative and summative SMART goals to monitor the progress of our SINA action plan. Implementation

10 Development of SMART Formative and Summative Goals How will you know if you are meeting your targets? Both on the way and at the end. How do we know if we are improving student outcomes in Reading and Math?

11 SMART Goals S pecific change M easurable change A ttainable, realistic outcome R esults driven – student achievement T imebound Garmston, JSD, Summer 1997, pp 64-65

12 Sample SMART Goal Non-proficient students will grow by more than a year for each grade level (grades 3-5) on the mathematics total without computation as measured by the Iowa Assessment for the 2013- 2014 school year in West Lake Elementary School. Summative

13 Sample SMART Goal By December 2013, 50% of a random sample of students (N >5) in each classroom (determined by administrator/ grade level team walk through) can clearly articulate achievement targets for a reading lesson? Formative: Student Behavior

14 By May 2015, have 100% of teachers as determined by walk throughs, observations, and lesson plans implemented identified 90-90-90 (PD focus) strategies in reading? Sample SMART Goal Formative: Teacher Behavior

15 XYZ Elementary Sample

16 Linear Plan-on-a- page VI.PRIORITIZED AREA THREE: A. Define Prioritized Area Three (Note: Originated from the Audit Profile) B. State the Root Cause of Prioritized Area Three (Note: Originated from the Relations Diagram) C. Action Steps to address root cause and move towards desired state 1. Is PD needed to address root cause? 2. How will parents be involved in this prioritized area? 3. What are the actions steps? 4. What research supports your action? 5. Who will complete the steps? 6. By when? VII. Congratulations, you now have your responses for your C-Plan. VIII. SMART EVALUATION QUESTIONS

17 Team Time Considerations Summative SMART goal could be closely connected to your APR goal Formative SMART goals give you an indication of progress toward your summative SMART goal Formative SMART goals need to connect to teacher, student, parent, and administrator (KASAB)

18 Learning TargetsSuccess Criteria Understand how to use the science/research of implementation. I can create implementation tools to monitor the progress of our SINA action plan Implementation

19 Douglas Reeves Bruce Joyce and Beverly Showers Iowa Professional Development Model Science/Research of Implementation

20 Greater implementation means better achievement

21 The Myth of Linearity… NOT SO!!




25 EventProcess

26 It’s all about using the right tools… Your tools must be aligned to SMART goals.

27 XYZ Elementary Sample


29 SINA – Implementation of Action Plan -consistently share action plan with all stakeholders- Implementation Action Plan Professional Development Formative Evaluation Questions Requires ongoing Specifies Monitors Student Achievement Teacher Implementation Behavior Determine impact on… 4 Key Components Administrators are supportive and actively involved Adequate time provided Teachers given frequent opportunities to collaborate and do so meaningfully Adequate resources allocated How will data be collected? Who will collect these data and when? How will data be shared and with whom? How will the data be analyzed? How often and how will implementation data be compared with formative student achievement data? IPDM Monitor Student Achievement Monitor Teacher Behavior Structure for Teacher Collaboration Adjust Training and Supports What are students/teachers experiencing? Are students showing learning gains? Should we increase/decrease our use of certain strategies? What tools are needed to monitor progress? What did the comparison of teacher implementation data and student outcome data tell you? Do changes need to be made? KASAB


31 SINA – Implementation of Action Plan -consistently share action plan with all stakeholders- Implementation Action Plan Professional Development Formative Evaluation Questions Requires ongoing Specifies Monitors Student Achievement Teacher Implementation Behavior Determine impact on… 4 Key Components Administrators are supportive and actively involved Adequate time provided Teachers given frequent opportunities to collaborate and do so meaningfully Adequate resources allocated How will data be collected? Who will collect these data and when? How will data be shared and with whom? How will the data be analyzed? How often and how will implementation data be compared with formative student achievement data? IPDM Monitor Student Achievement Monitor Teacher Behavior Structure for Teacher Collaboration Adjust Training and Supports What are students/teachers experiencing? Are students showing learning gains? Should we increase/decrease our use of certain strategies? What tools are needed to monitor progress? What did the comparison of teacher implementation data and student outcome data tell you? Do changes need to be made? KASAB







38 Clear LakeCedar FallsMarshalltown Webinar #1 Dec. 2nd, 2013 3:15-4:15pm Dec. 2nd, 2013 3:15-4:15pm Dec. 2nd, 2013 3:15-4:15pm Face-to-Face Dec. 13th, 2013 8:30am-3:00pm Dec. 10,th 2013 8:30am-3:00pm Dec. 12th, 2013 8:30am-3:00pm Webinar #2 Jan. 23rd, 2014 3:15-4:15pm Jan. 23rd, 2014 3:15-4:15pm Jan. 23rd, 2014 3:15-4:15pm “Managing Transitions” to Understand Leadership in Change

39 SINA Team Time Finalize SMART goals for prioritized areas –Summative and Formative Determine data to be collected –What tools will be used? –Does a tool need to be created? Large Group at 2:45 pm

40 Learning TargetsSuccess Criteria Understand the use of formative and summative SMART goals in monitoring progress. I can create formative and summative SMART goals to monitor the progress of our SINA action plan. Understand how to use the science/research of implementation. I can create implementation tools to monitor the progress of our SINA action plan Implementation

41 Next Upcoming SINA Date Managing Transitions Webinar Dec. 2 nd 3:15pm to 4:15pm

42 Clear LakeCedar FallsMarshalltown Webinar #1 Dec. 2nd, 2013 3:15-4:15pm Dec. 2nd, 2013 3:15-4:15pm Dec. 2nd, 2013 3:15-4:15pm Face-to-Face Dec. 13th, 2013 8:30am-3:00pm Dec. 10,th 2013 8:30am-3:00pm Dec. 12th, 2013 8:30am-3:00pm Webinar #2 Jan. 23rd, 2014 3:15-4:15pm Jan. 23rd, 2014 3:15-4:15pm Jan. 23rd, 2014 3:15-4:15pm “Managing Transitions” to Understand Leadership in Change

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