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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization

2 Innovations & Industry

3 Industry What is industry? Between 1865 and 1914, the United States went from an agricultural society to an industrial society. Factors: natural resources, large workforce, innovation, and free enterprise.

4 Black gold Edwin Drake uses a steam engine to drill for oil. Before the auto industry, oil was used to make kerosene.

5 Drake’s Oil well

6 Iron to steel The Bessemer converter is a large scale, oven-like mechanism used to purify iron ore The Bessemer converter turns crude iron ore into high grade steel by introducing large amounts of oxygen to molten iron.

7 Innovations & Inventions
Technology was important for growth. Technological innovations paved the way for new industries Innovations helped connect the world. Technology was needed for growth… Why would technology be important in the growth of our nation? New industries emerged Telephone companies Construction for phone lines Larger scale weapons manufacturing Automobile industry Allowed for our country to become close-knit Transportation innovations Communication innovations

8 Free enterprise What is laissez- faireism? The late 1800’s saw low taxes, low regulation, and low government intervention High tariffs on foreign goods. Tariffs Promoted growth in the country, by raising the prices of foreign goods. Eventually hurt the American economy, because other countries imposed high tariffs on American goods

9 Innovations & industry
How did an abundance of natural resources contribute to economic growth in the US, during the late 1800’s? How have the innovations of the late 19th century evolved into the technology we use today? Describe how one specific invention impacts your daily life. How has our countries outlook on free enterprise changed between the late 1800’s and today? Questions for discussion

10 big business, & Tycoons

11 Railroads The growth and consolidation of the RR industry influenced many facets of American life Unchecked power of the RR companies led to heavy abuse.

12 Railroads Despite RR companies abuse of power, the RR industry spurred rapid economic growth in industries such as: iron, coal, steel, and timber. Also led to the growth of towns and new markets.

13 Railroads Before the 1880’s, each community relied on their own time based off of sun dials. The American Railway Association adopted time zones in 1883.


15 Big business tycoons As new industries began to emerge there were a few that amassed large amounts of wealth. Consolidation of industries, and the removal of the middle-man Trusts and extreme wealth for individuals Big businesses Railways Steel… Why was this important? Oil Tycoons or Robber Barons JP Morgan… Does this name sound familiar? Andrew Carnegie JD Rockefeller J.P. Morgan

16 Andrew Carnegie Was one of the first industrial giants. Relied upon vertical integration to run his steel business. By 1899 the Carnegie Steel Company produced more steel than all of Great Britain

17 John D. Rockefeller Received his big start in oil refining after the Civil War. Founded the Standard Oil company in Relied upon horizontal integration By 1890, Standard Oil controlled 90 percent of the oil refining market.

18 George Pullman In 1880, George Pullman built a factory for manufacturing sleepers and other railroad cars in Illinois The nearby town Pullman built for his employees was modeled after early industrial European towns Pullman workers felt his puritanical town was too strict

19 Big business tycoons Other wealthy business men include: Jay Gould Cornelius Vanderbilt J.P. Morgan

20 big business, & tycoons How did the industrialization of the US change the “landscape” of the country? Explain the polarization of wealth across the American society.

21 Labor unions Response to unregulated business

22 Why Labor unions? A labor union is an organization of workers formed for the purpose of advancing its members’ interest The creation of labor unions were a response to the abuse of employees Unions fought for workers rights and safer work conditions Trade Unions Labor Unions National Labor Unions… NLU Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor… AFL Strikes & Violence Pullman strike RR strike

23 Labor unions Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor (AFL) “Wages, working hours, and working conditions” Samuel Gompers

24 Conflict The Haymarket Riot Homestead Strike The Pullman Strike


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