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Daily Lessons for Multiplication Unit By: Candice Cannon.

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1 Daily Lessons for Multiplication Unit By: Candice Cannon

2 How to solve a multiplication problem by drawing a picture  Sample Problem 3 x 6 = ?  The first number (3) stands for the number of groups  The second number (6) stands for how many are in each group  Think of the multiplication symbol (x) as the words “groups of”  3 x 6 = means the same thing as 3 groups of 6 equals  View screencast of drawing

3 How to solve a multiplication problem by creating an array  An array is like a picture but it is more organized by using columns and rows. It is easiest to draw circles or another simple shape to make your array.  Sample Problem: 4 x 7 = ?  The first number (4) is the number of rows  The second number (7) is the number of columns or how many in each row  Think of the multiplication symbol as “rows of”  4 x 7 = means 4 rows of 7  View screencast of array

4 How to solve a multiplication sentence by using repeated addition  Repeated addition means you add the same number over and over  Example: 5 x 8 could be solved by repeatedly adding 5 eight times – 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 =  The first number (5) is the number you will repeatedly add  The second number (8) is the number of times you will add the first number  View screencast of repeated addition

5 How to solve a multiplication problem by using skip counting  Skip counting is a great strategy to combine with arrays or drawing a picture  Skip counting means you count using multiples of other numbers but you don’t say every number like regular counting  Example: if you wanted to count how many cars in all but you didn’t want to go 1, 2, 3, 4 you could skip count by how many are in each group (8)  The problem would be 4 x 8 = ?  You would say 8, 16, 24, 32 so 4 x 8 = 32  View screencast of skip counting

6 How to solve a multiplication sentence using a fact you already know  You can use a fact you already have memorized to quickly find out another fact you don’t know by adding or subtracting  Example: you already know that 9 x 9 = 81 but you want to know what 9 x 10 = ?  You could add one more group of 9 to 81 and your answer would be 90  Example: you already know that 4 x 3 = 12 but you want to know what 4 x 2 = ?  You could subtract one group of 4 from 12 and your answer would be 8  View screencast of use known facts

7 Blow Your Mind Fact!  Multiplication follows the commutative property which means that the order of numbers doesn’t really matter (just like in addition)  Example 3 + 5 = 8 and 5 + 3 = 8  Example 5 x 3 = 15 and 3 x 5 = 15  You can apply this to your work as well

8 Commutative Property of Multiplication using some of our strategies to solve 4 x 2 = 8  Drawing a Picture: you could draw 4 groups of 2 or 2 groups of 4  Your answer is the same  Drawing an Array: you could draw 4 rows of 2 or 2 rows of 4  Your answer is the same  Repeated Addition : you can write 4 + 4 or 2 + 2 + 2 + 2  Your answer is the same  Try it out on some problems, this is a tricky concept!

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