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1 OVERVIEW OF SHARIA LAW. [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]2 WHAT IS SHARIA LAW? (a) uA system of political/religious beliefs. uEnforced by a fascist.

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Presentation on theme: "1 OVERVIEW OF SHARIA LAW. [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]2 WHAT IS SHARIA LAW? (a) uA system of political/religious beliefs. uEnforced by a fascist."— Presentation transcript:


2 [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]2 WHAT IS SHARIA LAW? (a) uA system of political/religious beliefs. uEnforced by a fascist religious regime. uStrict code for govern’g Islam society. uWilled by Allah upon all, via Koran. uImpose by social-economic change or holy war (jihad).

3 [ 3 WHAT IS SHARIA LAW? (b) uComplete: politics, society, economics. uPure Sharia: all, w/ severe punishment. uPure Sharia: Women’s rights limited. uContradicts Western & international law. uEnhances Islam and diminishes others.

4 [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]4 WHAT IS SHARIA LAW? (c) uPrinciples of Islam: basis for all law. uNon-believers: must submit to Islamic law. uAll Laws of non-believers: must be replaced with Sharia (Islamic) law.

5 [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]5 BASIC ELEMENTS OF SHARIA uMuslims: work for other Muslims only. uMuslim women: marry Muslim men. uNo inheritance chain for non-Muslims. uOnly Muslim-to-Muslim witnesses ok. uFlogging for false witness against Islam.

6 [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]6 PURE SHARIA LAW uFornication is punishable by stoning. uDrinking alcohol punishable by lashing. uTheft punishable by amputation. uWomen: no skin, strictly enforced.

7 [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]7 SHARIA LAW IN SELECTED COUNTRIES (a) uSaudi Arabia -- no other religions allowed. -- Pure Sharia law is strictly enforced.

8 [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]8 SHARIA LAW IN SELECTED COUNTRIES (b) uNigeria -- 50% Muslim, 40% Christian; w/Sharia. -- Men & women must be segregated. -- Women cannot ride with other men. -- Women cannot work outside of home. -- Women not equally protected.

9 Sharia Law for Men zGay punishable by flogging (Sometimes) zMay cover heads out of respect to be like Allah. [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]9

10 Women’s Rights zBurqa-Loose garment covering whole body zNiqab-Veil warn in public covering all parts of body except for eyes. zHijab-Head covering worn in public for most women [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]10

11 Women’s Rights zBurqa zNiqab z Headscarf/Hijab [3x-Sharia-Law-PP-Slides- LB.PPT]11

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