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Presentation by David M. Humphrey,. Lesson Two: In The Beginning—God, Man, and The Fall In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth… Genesis.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by David M. Humphrey,. Lesson Two: In The Beginning—God, Man, and The Fall In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth… Genesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by David M. Humphrey,

2 Lesson Two: In The Beginning—God, Man, and The Fall In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth… Genesis 1:1 Genesis 1:1 The Bible begins with this emphatic statement. God created the Heavens and the Earth. Well, if that’s the case, then how did the Earth end up in such a mess?

3 Did God make a mistake? Was it His will that Satan run rampant in the Earth? What happened?

4 As a Lead Warrior, it is vital that you have a good understanding of what the Word of God itself says about this subject—not religion or tradition. Again, we are not going to ‘tell’ you the answers. You will have the opportunity to search the Word for yourself and allow the Word to speak for itself in answering such matters

5 We shared with you in the last lesson that you’ve been given Authority as a Born Again Believer. Authority was God’s idea and first began with Adam and Eve, let’s see what they did with it, shall we?

6 1) What did God say about Adam and Eve? Gen. 1:26 Gen. 1:26 2) What did God give Adam and Eve over the Earth and every living thing on it? Gen. 1:26 Gen. 1:26 3) Whose image did God decide to make Adam and Eve in? Gen. 1:26-27Gen. 1:26-27

7 4) What is the very first thing that God did to Adam and Eve in Gen.1:28? Gen.1:28 5) What are the four things God commanded them to do in Gen.1:28a ? Gen.1:28 6) What did God then tell them to have? Gen.1:28b Gen.1:28

8 7) What does the Word of God say God made Man to have over the works of His hands? Psalm 8:6 _ Psalm 8:6 Also, answer this question: Are the fingers considered part of the ‘Hand’? If so, then according to the Word, what other things did Man have Authority and Dominion over in the Beginning? Psalm 8:3 Psalm 8:3

9 8) What were Man’s responsibilities as given him by God? Gen.2:15 _ Gen.2:15 8a) The King James uses the term to dress and “keep” it. What does the word “keep” mean here? 9) How does the Word say Man lost the total Dominion given him by God? Gen.3:1-6Gen.3:1-6, Gen. 3:13Gen. 3:13

10 10) What entered in as soon as Man disobeyed God’s Word? Gen. 2:16-17Gen. 2:16-17, Romans 5:12Romans 5:12 11) Who then took the Authority that Man surrendered and ‘delivered up’? Luke 4:6 Luke 4:6 (Note: An exegesis of the Greek word in Luke 4:6 Luke 4:6 for the phrase ‘delivered up’ also means “to hand over to”, give over to, surrender to, yield up to, and most importantly, it also means “ to betray to.” As you can see, Adam and Eve’s sin was not just simply ‘eating the apple’ (note the Bible does not even say it was an ‘apple’, it doesn’t say what the fruit was) but their actions constituted a very serious betrayal of their God-given trust. They chose to disobey God, and obey a fallen angel.

11 12) According to the Word of God, when Adam and Eve betrayed their God-given trust, what did Satan become to this world? 2 Cor. 4:3&4 2 Cor. 4:3 So, that means that Adam and Eve had that position first, under God’s leadership. And then, when they obeyed Satan, they surrendered all the Authority, Power, and Rule of the Earth that God had originally given them. How so? Because who ever you obey you acknowledge as being greater than you. God deserved that obedience, but Satan did not. Because God was greater than Man, but originally when God put Man in charge he (Man) was created greater than Satan.

12 Never fail to do what God has called and told you to do, because there are heavy consequences to pay when we don’t. Adam and Eve found that out the hard way… Action Steps Write out on the lines below how Adam and Eve’s simple act of disobedience to God’s Word opened a door to sin, sickness, Death, etc.

13 Satan/the Serpent made disobedience to God’s Word seem like a minor thing.. Give examples of how Satan still tries today to make disobedience to God’s Word seem like a ‘minor thing’ but as with Adam and Eve, the consequences are catastrophic

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