Wayne Johnston Head, Research Enterprise and Scholarly Communication University of Guelph Library Mobile Technology Support for Field.

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Presentation on theme: "Wayne Johnston Head, Research Enterprise and Scholarly Communication University of Guelph Library Mobile Technology Support for Field."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wayne Johnston Head, Research Enterprise and Scholarly Communication University of Guelph Library wajohnst@uoguelph.ca Mobile Technology Support for Field Research

2 When you are developing a proposal or a project plan, we can assist with: data management planning open access policy compliance When you are conducting your research, we can assist with: project management data collection in the field When you are disseminating the results of your research, we can assist with: author rights, copyright and publishing strategies data archiving in a research data repository We can also advise you on: measuring the impact of your scholarship starting an open access journal Research Enterprise and Scholarly Communication

3 Rationale for mobile technology in the field Introductions Technology review Researcher interviews The chosen suite of tools Using the platform Researchers’ experience to date Overview

4 http://wwwpaztcn.wr.usgs.gov/vigil/potlocona/range_p4.html

5 What is your name? Where do you work and what is your role there? What is your involvement with field research, conducting or supporting? What do you hope to get out of this workshop? Introductions

6 Data collection App development Survey software SMS DBMS Specialist devices Specialist/commercial software Data storage Cloud Campus Data transfer and data security Device protection Data access Technology Review

7 Field environment Data collection practices Data storage Use of mobile devices Data management upon return Researcher Interviews

8 Open Data Kit (ODK) XLSForm Formhub Enketo The Chosen Suite of Tools

9 Open Data Kit (ODK) https://blog.enketo.org/enkets-new-architecture/

10 XLSForm http://blog.mgm-tp.com/2010/03/rethinking-web-forms-xforms-part1/

11 Formhub

12 Enketo

13 Using the Platform

14 Define data collection instrument

15 constraintconstraint_message Specify an upper limit for an integer value. <= 10You must enter a value less than 10. Specify a numerical range; use Boolean logic (. >= 15 and. <= 100) or. = 0 You must enter a value between 15 and 100; enter zero if you don’t know the person’s age. Reference another data element in your constraint. <= ${room_count}The number cannot be greater than the number of people in the room. Constraints

16 Conditional

17 Authority files


19 Upload XlsForm


21 Download data

22 Parent worksheet Child worksheet – group members Child worksheet – species inventory

23 MS Access form

24 Data Repository http://dataverse.scholarsportal.info/dvn/dv/ugardr

25 Researchers’ Experience to Date

26 Bolivia

27 Centro de Generación de Información Estadística

28 Fundación PROINPA


30 Centro de Promoción Agropecuaria Campesina

31 Household and Community Fishery Survey Maintaining Productivity and incomes in the Tonle Sap Fishery in Cambodia in the face of climate change http://atguelph.uoguelph.ca/2012/03/water-brings-life-livelihoods-to-cambodia Photo by Kevin McCann


33 Discovering Biodiversity http://atguelph.uoguelph.ca/2011/12/dairy-bush-takes-learning-outside



36 Wayne Johnston Head, Research Enterprise and Scholarly Communication University of Guelph Library wajohnst@uoguelph.ca Mobile Technology Support for Field Research

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