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Nervous System 06/01/12 pages 159-160 Know: What are the 3 functions of the nervous system?

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Presentation on theme: "Nervous System 06/01/12 pages 159-160 Know: What are the 3 functions of the nervous system?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nervous System 06/01/12 pages 159-160 Know: What are the 3 functions of the nervous system?

2 Functions Process 1.Receiving info – inside and outside body 2.Responding to info – reaction to stimulus (change/signal) 3.Maintaining homeostasis Neurons (nerve cells) carry nerve impulses (electrical or chemical messages)

3 Process Dendrite Axon Impulses begin in dendrite, move toward cell body, then down axon. Carries impulse toward cell body Carries impulse away from cell body (Draw picture/label below)

4 Axons & Dendrites

5 ProcessBrain receives message and sends impulses to muscles. Impulses are passed from one nerve to another or to an organ through chemicals that jump the synapse (gap between nerve cells)

6 Types Reflex 1.Central – control center of body, brain and spinal cord 2.Peripheral – carries impulses between central nervous system and rest of body -Somatic nervous system – controls voluntary actions (texting) -Autonomic n.s. – controls involuntary actions (heart beat) Automatic involuntary response to danger. Ex: your arm pulls back if you touch something hot

7 Evidence & Summary Evidence: TB page 633, Draw, label, color

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