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“…to make a tangible difference to Roma people's lives” EC Communication 5 April 2011 1.

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Presentation on theme: "“…to make a tangible difference to Roma people's lives” EC Communication 5 April 2011 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 “…to make a tangible difference to Roma people's lives” EC Communication 5 April 2011 1

2 Its objective is to provide EU institutions and Member States with assistance and expertise relating to fundamental rights in order to support them when they take measures or formulate courses of action to fully respect fundamental rights. Its tasks are to:  carry out scientific research and surveys  collect, record, analyse and disseminate relevant objective, reliable and comparable information and data  develop methods and standards to improve the comparability, objectivity and reliability of data at European level The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights

3 Roma Task Force (09/2010): assessing use of EU funding by MSs with regard to Roma integration – results December 2010 found lack of : -know-how and administrative capacity in using EU funds -national co-financing -civil society and Roma communities involvement -official socio-economic data on Roma -rights awareness and evidence of discrimination Background to the current work on Roma 3

4 Expand its research to cover all EU MSs (2012 - 2013) Collect data regularly across the EU (2012 – 2020) Assist MSs in developing monitoring tools (2012 – 2020) EC Communication of April 2011 tasks FRA to…

5 2013 - 2016 Qualitative research 2013 - 2016 Qualitative research 2012 - 2020 Working with Member States to improve monitoring 2012 - 2020 Working with Member States to improve monitoring EUROPE 2020 2011 Roma pilot survey 2014 Roma survey 2019 Secondary data 2018 Roma survey 2013 Secondary data

6 Roma Pilot Survey 2011

7 Multidimensional issue requiring an integrated approach Roma inclusion: the challenge… poverty fundamental rights unemployment social exclusion marginalisation discrimination anti-gypsyism rights awareness access to justice

8 The survey…


10  Basic socio-economic characteristics  Situation in employment, education, health, housing  Neighbourhood characteristics & infrastructure  Integration, discrimination, rights awareness  Mobility and migration  Active citizenship issues, e.g. voting Data on…

11 FRA + UNDP/WB data base Roma have higher fertility and mortality rates than non-Roma Age distribution

12 : Education On average the proportion of Roma currently in pre-school education or completing general or vocational upper-secondary education is low, especially in comparison to non-Roma. Issues addressed in the upcoming report –Current pre-school/kindergarten attendance –School attendance during compulsory school age –Completion of at least general or vocational upper-secondary education

13 Other information on education  Literacy rate  Preschool or kindergarten attendance  Attendance of special school or class  Background of classmates  Circumstances of ending school  Professional qualifications after leaving school ...

14 : Employment On average the proportion of Roma in paid employment is low, especially in comparison to non-Roma. Issues addressed in the upcoming report –Paid employment –Self-reported unemployment –Pension –Children working outside the home –Discrimination on grounds of ethnic origin when looking for work

15 Other information on unemployment –Ever/currently unemployed –Length of current state of unemployment –Received help when unemployed –Registered as unemployed –Currently looking for a job –Reasons for not looking for a job...

16 : Health On average Roma declare more often than non-Roma of the same age group to be limited in daily activities due to health reasons Issues addressed in the upcoming report  Limitations in daily activities such as working, shopping or keeping in contact with other people due to health problems  Medical insurance

17 Other information on health  Subjective health status  Conditions under which given birth  Unmet need of medical treatment or examination ...

18 : Housing On average Roma are living often in crowded households that are missing some of the basis amenities, compared to non-Roma. Issues addressed in the upcoming report  Crowding rate  Lack of basic housing amenities

19 Other information on housing  Mobility of the households  Official help in finding accommodation  Changes in the neighbourhood infrastructure situation  Ownership  Quality of housing  Repairs ...

20 : Poverty On average the great majority of Roma households are living on a household income that is below the national poverty line. Issues addressed in the upcoming report  Persons living in households at risk of poverty  Experience of hunger in Roma households

21 : Discrimination experiences and rights awareness On average the majority of Roma experienced discrimination based on their ethnic origin in the recent months, and awareness of anti-discrimination legislation in employment is still lacking for many Roma. Issues addressed in the upcoming report  General discrimination experiences on the ground of ethnic origin  Discrimination experiences when looking for work  Awareness of anti-discrimination legislation in employment

22 Other information on discrimination and rights awareness  General discrimination on various grounds  Discrimination experiences while –Looking for work –At the workplace –Looking for a house –Health services –Education  Reporting of discrimination experiences  Knowledge of Equality bodies

23 Migration  Migration history  Migration intentions  Experiences of Roma migrants around Paris

24 Integration/active citizenship  General and personal socialising in the neighbourhood between Roma and non-Roma  Participation in voluntary work  Awareness of Roma organisations  Knowledge about “Dosta” campaign and Decade of Roma inclusion  Vote in last elections

25 For more information …helping to make a tangible difference to Roma people's lives… 25

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