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How to Give Effective Written Feedback

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1 How to Give Effective Written Feedback
Mustafa Sazak

2 Writing good feedback requires an understanding that language does more than describe our world; it helps us construct our world.

3 “What did you think about while choosing this topic?”
“What were you trying to accomplish?” “You won’t find much about carrier pigeons. That’s too narrow topic. Pick something else!”

4 Characteristic Features of Effective Written Feedback
Clarity: The criterion for clarity is whether the writing or speech would be clear to the individual student. Students need to understand the feedback information as you intend it.

5 Examples of Good Feedback Clarity
Using simple vocabulary and sentence structure, Writing or speaking on the student’s developmental level, Checking that the student understands the feedback.

6 Examples of Bad Feedback Clarity
Using big words and complicated sentences, Writing to show what you know, not what the student needs, Assuming the student understands the feedback.

7 Characteristic Features of Effective Written Feedback
Specificity: Goldilocks Principle: “Not too narrow, not too broad, but just right”

8 Examples of Good Feedback Specificity
Using a lot of nouns and descriptive adjectives, Describing concepts or criteria, Describing learning strategies that may be useful.

9 Examples of Bad Feedback Specificity
Using a lot of pronouns (this, that..) Copyediting or correcting every error Making vague suggestions (“Study harder”)

10 Characteristic Features of Effective Written Feedback
Tone: Tone refers to the expressive quality of the feedback message, and it affects how the message will be “heard”.

11 Examples of Good Tone and Word Choice
Using words and phrases that assume the student is an active learner, Asking questions, Sharing what you are wondering about.

12 Examples of Bad Tone and Word Choice
Using words and phrases that “lecture” or “boss”, Telling the student what to do-leaving nothing up to the student’s choice, Assuming that your feedback is the last word, the final expert opinion.

13 To Sum up… Be clear, Be specific Adjust tone

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