Integrated Math 1. In your PLC, decide on a lesson that you will be developing The lesson must be intended for first instruction. A pre-existing lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Math 1. In your PLC, decide on a lesson that you will be developing The lesson must be intended for first instruction. A pre-existing lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Math 1

2 In your PLC, decide on a lesson that you will be developing The lesson must be intended for first instruction. A pre-existing lesson A lesson that you want to share with your PLC

3 SMP 3: Construct viable argument and critique reasoning of others Blended Objective Strategies for SMP 3 Level Of Questioning

4 Create Your Lesson Objective (Content) + (Language) + (Assessment) Blended Lesson Objective

5 Create Your Lesson Objectives  The What…  Math content  The How…  Assessment  With language skills  The Evidence… of learning and thinking  Using academic language

6 IM 1 Unit #7  Sample Objectives: Students will construct a reflection of a figure across an axis and be able to verbally justify the sequence behind their transformation. (Content) + (Language) + (Assessment)

7 IM 1 Unit #7  Additional Example: Students will analyze a transformation in the coordinate plane. They will explain in writing the sequence needed for the mapping, and share their response with a partner. (Content) + (Language) + (Assessment)

8 Students will CONTENT and will ASSESSMENT WITH LANGUAGE DETAILS Language Reading Writing Listening Speaking

9 Students will CONTENT and will ASSESSMENT WITH LANGUAGE DETAILS Using the lesson that you will be developing: Write a blended lesson objective that incorporates: Content, language, assessments


11 Response frames To solve ________________, I would __________ because _____________ __________ is a solution to ___________ because ________

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