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Spiritual disciplines guidance Keeping in step with God.

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1 Spiritual disciplines guidance Keeping in step with God

2 What is Guidance? Guidance – Advice or information aimed at resolving a problem, difficulty, etc. (O.E.D.)


4 What’s different about Spiritual Guidance? This is where we submit ourselves to God and expect the guidance to be given directly from God, by the Holy Spirit.

5 What is needed for this to happen?  Repentance – turning from wrongdoing  “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me” said Jesus to the disciples  Faith – trusting in God and his actions  When Jesus saw the faith of the paralysed man and his friends he said “Son, your sins are forgiven ”.

6 So how does God guide us?  ‘Behind the scenes’ guidance without our co-operation  Guidance through written instructions or examples in the Bible. We co-operate by obedience  Guidance by the Holy Spirit where we co-operate by making our own decisions

7 So how does the Holy Spirit guide us?  He helps us to understand the Bible  He helps us to interpret the Bible for our own times  He speaks to us through Christian literature and Christian friends  He speaks to us through our own Spirit  He sometimes asks us to make our own minds up – he can cope with whatever we decide

8 Why do we need the Holy Spirit?  Jesus left us the Holy Spirit on his departure from the earth to be our Counsellor.  That Counsellor will help us to be clear about what the Bible is saying in a specific case  The Holy Spirit will never contradict the Bible, but will guide our understanding of it.  Where God leaves the choice to us, the Holy Spirit guides us through the thinking process

9 About corporate decisions  Even repented, faithful Christians are sinners  We do not always follow the way of Christ  Agreement between sinners can be difficult  Prayer, meditation, fasting are tools for achieving agreement  ‘Love God and love your neighbour’ also applies in Committee meetings

10 Navigating through life  Check the Map given by the Bible  Listen to the Satnav of the Holy Spirit  Decide which way to go  May God go with you

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