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Climate Change What are the effects that rapid climate change may have on our environment?

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change What are the effects that rapid climate change may have on our environment?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change What are the effects that rapid climate change may have on our environment?

2 What is today’s title and learning objective? Title: What are the effects that rapid climate change may have on our environment? Learning objective: To develop an understanding of some of the potential outcomes of climate change.

3 How will I achieve today’s learning objective? All Students: Will understand that the temperature of our climate does vary over time. Most Students: Will be able to describe some of the results of the current trend of rising global temperatures. Some Students: Will start to think about the wider implications of this, and consider the effects that humans are having on the wider environment.

4 Key Words Rapid Climate Change Milankovitch Cycle Polar Regions Sea Levels Habitats Weather

5 Global temperatures since the end of the last ice age (10,000 years ago) have fluctuated with warm and cooler periods Overall the temperature over this period has increased by around 6°c Using the graph on the following slide can you describe the changes in temperature over time, step by step


7 1.After the last ice age the temperature rose rapidly for the following 2,000 years 2.Between 4,000 and 8,000 years ago there were two warm periods with a temperature change between 5 and 6°c 3.In between these warm periods there was a colder spell 4.Another warm period happened between AD800 and AD1200, this was known as the medieval warm period 5.After all of this there was then the Little Ice Age where temperatures dropped below the average for 600 years 6.In the past 100 years the temperature has begun to rise steadily, with greater increases since the 1960s 7.The temperature is projected to increase much more rapidly in the coming years, being 5°c warmer in 2100 than it is now!

8 Milankovitch Cycle’s What does this graph show? Are there any patterns?

9 Climate Predictions Climate change predictions vary, with some people claiming that global warming isnt happening at all !

10 Climate Predictions However, it is now widely accepted that earth is warming.

11 Climate Predictions What do you think will happen if the current rate of, rapid, climate change continues? What might happen to; The Polar Regions? Sea Levels? Animals habitats? Our Weather?

12 The Polar Regions Video – The Melting Polar Regions

13 Sea Levels ] Video – The Maldives Sinking Under Water

14 Animals Habitats Video – Leatherback Turtle Video – Polar Bears

15 Our Weather Read the information sheet you have been given Highlight/Underline KEY POINTS.

16 Climate Predictions What do you think will happen if the current rate of, rapid, climate change continues? Did the videos agree with you predictions of what might happen to; The Polar Regions Sea Levels Animals habitats Our Weather

17 Plenary- TWEET TWEET Video – Is it all as we are told? Write a 139 character TWEET summarising something one potential outcome of climate change, or a number of potential outcomes. If you complete this, add any new information to your A3 Concept Map.

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