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This is the time that the Jews spent in Babylon..

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Presentation on theme: "This is the time that the Jews spent in Babylon.."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is the time that the Jews spent in Babylon.

2  The weekly day of worship and rest.

3  Jewish houses of worship.

4  The Persian king Cyrus permitted the Jews to return to Judah.  The Jews rebuilt Jerusalem and the temple.

5  Under this scribe the Jews wrote the 5 books of the Torah.  These books of the torah and other writings made up the Hebrew Bible.

6  It includes 5 books of the Torah and 34 other books.  Genesis is the 1 st book of the Torah.   It tells how God punish the world for its bad behavior, and why the world has languages.  NOAH’S ARCH----------The People of Babel

7  God’s plan for a peaceful future.  The book of Daniel addresses this.  Daniel refused to worship Babylonian gods.  The Chaldeans threw him into a lions den.  God Protected Daniel.  The story showed the Jews how God would rescue them.


9  Took over the Persians and was now in control of Judah.  He let the Jews stay, but he believed in all things GREEK. Language and Greek Ways.


11  Many Jews learned the Greek language and Greek way, but stayed loyal to Judaism.  They converted the Hebrew Bible to Greek so they could spread their ideas throughout the Mediterranean world.

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