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Location September 2011.

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1 Location September 2011

2 Relative & Absolute Location
Relative location refers to where a place is in relation to another place or landmark Eg. Canada is directly North of the US Absolute location refers to a specific spot on the earth’s longitude and latitude lines. Latitude lines are called parallels and they run east to west horizontally. They begin at 0⁰ at the Equator Longitude line, or Meridians, run North to South vertically. They begin at 0⁰ at the Prime Meridian

3 Longitude and Latitude
Lines of Latitude North of the Equator are measured in degrees North. Eg. 55⁰ N Lines of Latitude South of the Equator are measured in degrees South. Eg. 55⁰ S Lines of Longitude West of the Prime Meridian are measured in degrees West Eg. 105 ⁰ W Lines of Longitude East of the Prime Meridian are measured in degrees West Eg. 105 ⁰ E


5 Longitude & Latitude Warm-Up
Find the latitude of the southern most point of Canada’s landmass Find the longitude of the most western and eastern points of Canada’s landmass What 3 provinces are cut by the 60 ⁰ meridian? The entire western border of Canada follows what line of latitude”?

6 Longitude & Latitude Assignment
You will be creating a test on finding absolute location 10 questions asking to find the coordinates of a particular place 10 questions giving coordinates and asking for the name of the place You must make an answer key Everybody must also complete somebody else’s test

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