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1/9/2015 Entry Task: What did you learn from our hand holding/impulse activity while you acted like neurons?

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Presentation on theme: "1/9/2015 Entry Task: What did you learn from our hand holding/impulse activity while you acted like neurons?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1/9/2015 Entry Task: What did you learn from our hand holding/impulse activity while you acted like neurons?

2  I can draw a neuron and label at least 5 different parts  I can outline the differences in loss of sensation and motor function with CNS and PNS conditions

3  Directs functions of the human body  100 billion nerve cells throughout the body  Telephone exchange between brain, spinal cord, and nerves  Spinal cord is like the switching center  Nerves are cables for carrying messages to and from the centers  Nerve cells = Neurons (highly specialized)  EXCITEABILITY (ability to respond to a stimulus)  CONDUCTIVITY (ability to transmit a signal)

4  Cell Body  Dendrites  Thin branching extensions off the cell body  Conduct nerve impulses TOWARD cell body  Axon  Conducts nerve impulses AWAY from cell body  Myelin Sheath  Fatty tissue covering axon that speeds up impulse

5  Neurolemma  Tubes that cover axon and contain myelin sheath  Multiple neurolemmas cover one axon  Axon Terminals  Where impulse leaves neuron  Nerve impulse then jumps from one neuron to the next over a space called a synapse  Stimulated to jump by neurotransmitter

6  Afferent (sensory) neurons  Carry information from sensory receptors TO the CNS  Efferent (motor) neurons  Carry information to the muscles and glands FROM the CNS  Interneurons  Carry and process sensory information within the spinal cord  Reflexes!  What happens if there is a C5 fracture that severs the spinal cord?  L4?

7  Central Nervous System  Peripheral Nervous System

8  Parts of the brain  Neuron  Afferent and efferent  Paralysis, stroke (varying severities, but for this class: complete; black and white)  Both are CNS injuries. Follow dermatome and myotome patterns!  CNS vs PNS  Reaction vs reflex  C5 biceps  C6 BR

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