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Energy Unit Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Unit Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Unit Review

2 1. A material that does not conduct heat well is called a(n)

3 Insulator

4 2. The total potential and kinetic energy of the particles in an object is called

5 Thermal energy

6 3. When generators are spun by turbines, they

7 Produce electricity

8 4. Heat, like work, is an energy transfer measured in

9 Joules

10 5. Heat is transferred from one particle of matter to another without the movement of matter itself in a process called

11 Conduction

12 The total energy of all the particles in a substance is called

13 Thermal energy

14 7. Kinetic energy increases as

15 Both mass and velocity increase

16 8. Examples of kinetic energy

17 A ball rolling down the street
Something that moves A ball rolling down the street

18 9. The energy associated with motion is called

19 Kinetic energy

20 10. The rate at which energy is transferred is called

21 Power

22 11. The movement of thermal energy from a warmer object to a cooler object is called

23 heat

24 12. A change from one form of energy into another

25 Energy transformation

26 13. When you rub your hands together on a cold day, you use friction to convert

27 Mechanical  thermal energy

28 14. The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves is called

29 Electromagnetic energy

30 15. Something that stores chemical energy is

31 Food you eat a match a battery

32 16. Unlike kinetic energy, potential energy is

33 Stored energy

34 17. Energy is measured in units called

35 Joules

36 18. Any temperature on the Kelvin scale can be changed to Celsius by

37 Subtracting 273

38 19. A measure of the average kinetic energy of the individual particles in an object is called

39 Temperature

40 20. The law of conservation of energy states that when one form of energy is converted into another

41 Energy is not created or destroyed

42 21. A pole-vaulter first converts kinetic energy into

43 Elastic potential energy

44 22. Visible light is an example of

45 Electromagnetic energy

46 23. How would you calculate an object’s mechanical energy?

47 ME = KE+PE

48 24. Absolute zero is shown as 0 on which scale?

49 The Kelvin scale

50 25. Water freezes at 32 degrees on which temperature scale?

51 Fahrenheit

52 26. Moving water can be used to produce electricity because

53 Most energy can be transformed into other forms of energy

54 27. The ability to do work is called

55 energy

56 28. Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is called

57 Nuclear energy

58 29. When fossil fuels are burned, their chemical potential energy is converted into

59 Thermal energy

60 30. What is the freezing point of water in degrees Celsius
30. What is the freezing point of water in degrees Celsius? What is the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius?

61 Freezing point = 0 degrees Boiling point = 100 degrees

62 31. Heated air moves from baseboard heaters to the rest of a room in a process called

63 Convection

64 32. The type of energy stored by fossil fuels such as coal is

65 Chemical potential energy

66 33. Potential energy that depends on height is called

67 Gravitational potential energy

68 34. No more energy can be removed from matter at

69 0 Kelvin

70 35. What type of conversion is taking place when natural gas is used to heat water?

71 Chemical  Thermal

72 36. Niagara Falls is a good example of

73 PE  KE

74 37. The energy associated with the motion and position of an object is

75 Mechanical energy

76 38. What type of energy does a spinning turbine have?

77 Mechanical

78 39. Heat transfer occurs from

79 warm objects to colder ones

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