Chapter 2 Nile River Valley Civilization. Egypt, Nile River Valley Civilization Nile River played a key role Yearly flood deposited rich silt for farming.

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1 Chapter 2 Nile River Valley Civilization


3 Egypt, Nile River Valley Civilization Nile River played a key role Yearly flood deposited rich silt for farming Egyptians learned how to harness the flood to help instead of harm them (dikes, reservoirs, irrigation ditches)

4 Contrast between the desert and the Nile Valley



7 Aswan High Dam

8 Menes unites Egypt 3100 B.C. the king of Upper Egypt united Upper and Lower Egypt He and his successors used the Nile as a highway linking north and south. The Nile helped make Egypt the world’s first unified state dynastyCreated a dynasty, or family of rulers

9 3 Periods of Ancient Egyptian History Old Kingdom 2700-2200 B.C. Development Of Noble Class Pyramids Built Middle Kingdom 2050-1800 B.C. Power struggles Hyksos invade with war chariots New Kingdom 1550-1100 B.C. Hyksos driven out Empire reaches the Euphrates River Powerful pharaohs

10 The Pyramids

11 Pyramid facts Built during the Old Kingdom Were tombs for the pharaohs Took a pharaohs entire reign to build Made by hand of limestone blocks, some weighing 2 tons or more


13 King Tut’s chariot

14 Pyramids Tutenkhamen Empire photography

15 Pharaohs The Ancient Egyptians viewed them as gods They usually wore wigs and a false beard to signify their authority Queen Hatshepsut, one of the most prolific builders of the Middle Kingdom

16 Bust of Nefertiti

17 The death mask of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen is made of gold inlaid with colored glass and semiprecious stone. The mask comes from the innermost mummy case in the pharaoh’s tomb, and stands 54 cm (21 in) high. The emblems on the forehead (vulture and cobra) and on the shoulders (falcon heads) were symbols of the Two Lands of Upper and Lower Egypt and of divine authority.



20 12 month calendar, 30 days each (5 extra days for feasting) Number system based on 10 Used fractions & whole numbers Geometry Achievements

21 Hieroglyphics More than 600 signs, pictures, or symbols to represent words or sounds Wrote on papyrus

22 Rosetta Stone Key to understanding hieroglyphics Found by a French soldier in 1798 Greek, hieroglyphics, and demotic



25 A painted box from Tutankhamun's tomb depicts the Pharaoh on a chariot chasing Nubians.

26 Religion Many gods, often with animal symbols Amon-Re, the creator, identified with the sun Osiris judged people after death, associated with the Nile Strong belief in the afterlife


28 Nubia Another Nile Kingdom (also known as Kush) Neighbor of Egypt to the South Traded or fought with Egypt for centuries. For a time, added Egypt to their empire around 730 B.C.


30 Gifts for the King from Nubia, which was to the south of Egypt. Can you find gold rings, a baby leopard, a monkey, an ebony log?


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