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Birth Control Pill YouTube - 1950s Education On "Women"

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1 Birth Control Pill YouTube - 1950s Education On "Women"

2 Context: Post WWII, there was a dramatic increase in global population. Why? baby boom (Western Cultures) advances in science were lowering death rate (Internationally) Countries were beginning to look outside of their own country and address international issues, especially with non-government organizations which also improved conditions -Western cultures began acknowledging that countries where resources were limited and economic output was low, that they would not be able to support increases in population

3 Why 1950s? (Social Change) Versus

4 Social Change (continued) Female image perpetrated by mass media 15 million tvs sold in US in 1952 In 1960 46 million in homes WHAT DID BEING A WOMAN MEAN? YouTube - mona lisa 1950s women YouTube - mona lisa1950s women

5 Why 1950s? (Social Change) During WWII- women forced into the factories and into the workforce Post WWII- women forced from the working positions that they had obtained during the war Imbalance for women: their work had been acknowledged as important, yet they were sent back home? Women began rejecting their postwar life (ie Feminine Mystique in 1963) FeminineMystique Increase in Feminist Movement and other groups

6 Development began in 1950s: what kind of objections did it come up against? 1873- The Comstock Act- classified contraceptive literature and devices as obscene materials 1917- Margaret Sanger opens first birth control clinic in the US, and put in jail for 30 days for being a “public nuisance” 1951- Oral Contraceptive acknowledged in Time Magazine (p. 318) 1953- Population Council formed in US to observe population trends 1953- International Planned Parenthood formed 1954- Birth Control Pill tested in Puerto Rico 1958- Introduced to American market for menstrual disorders 1960- US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves pill for contraceptive use 1970s- UN recognized that ALL people have a right to an acceptable standard of living including the right to family planning

7 How does the Birth Control Pill work?

8 Opponents and Problems – caused a huge decrease in usage up to 1980s The Roman Catholic Church (p. 323) Evidence linking to high blood pressure, stokes, blood clots, maybe tumors? Some doctors believed effects of the pill could not be reversed in some women Feminists: pharmaceutical companies took advantage (p. 325) Cost of the pill Does not get distributed to Third World Countries (sterilization still popular)

9 Impact of the Pill More women joined the paid work force More women could pursue educational goals Women had to take on a “double life” Lower birth rate- school enrolment, hospitals, and decline in “baby market” Teenagers and “swinging sixties”- sex before marriage?

10 Birth control: the magic pill - CBC Archives Birth control: the pill meant women could - CBC Archives Birth control: the pill meant women could - CBC Archives

11 Birth Control Video —

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