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Chapter 5 - Populations Photo Credit:

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1 Chapter 5 - Populations Photo Credit:

2 5-1 How Populations Grow Geographic distribution – the area a pop lives(range)

3 Population Density – the number of individuals in an area

4 Population Growth ● Number of births ● Number of deaths ● Emigration (out) & Immigration (in)

5 In Springfield, 45 babies are born in the year 2008. 15 people died that same year. What is the growth rate for the city? Positive Growth rate = increase Negative Growth rate = decrease

6 Exponential Growth –reproduction at a constant rate. - occurs under ideal conditions (no limits) - J-shape curve

7 Logistic Growth – resources become less available, growth slows or stops - S-shaped curve Carrying Capacity – the number an environment can support

8 You are having a party. How can you figure out the carrying capacity of your party. Factors:

9 5-2 Limits to Growth Limiting Factor – causes population growth to decrease Density- Dependent Factors – population size --competition --predation --disease

10 Density-Independent Factors – does not depend on population size -Unusual weather -Natural disasters -Some human activities

11 Predator - Prey Relationship - predators control populations - as the prey numbers increase, so do predators Prey will always outnumber predators!

12 Quick check. 1. The area where a population live is called: a) population density b) geographic distribution c) carrying capacity 2. The graph shows why type of curve? a) exponential b) logistic 3. The arrow indicates the: a) limiting factor b) density dependent c) carrying capacity 4. What is the number of deer that can be supported by the island? a) 90-96b) 75-80c) 10 -30

13 5. What information is needed to determine the population growth rate? a) birth rateb) death rate c) number of immigrants d) all of these 6. A flood causes a 30% reduction in the population of crocodiles. This is considered a: a) density independent factor b) density dependent factor c) logistic growth factor 7) If an area is a negative rate of population growth, then the population is: a) increasing b) decliningc) extinct 8) Population density refers to: a) the number of individuals in an area b) the total number of individuals in a species


15 - the study of human population growth - explains how populations change over time. Detroit

16 Demographic Transition – a dramatic change in birth and death rates -U.S., Japan, and Europe population growth has stopped ZERO POPULATION GROWTH

17 In order to achieve ZPG, each couple has only 2 children.


19 AGE STRUCTURE DIAGRAMS Show percentage of people alive at each age group

20 Which diagram above is: 1. A country where the king orders the deaths of all the baby boys 2. A country at war, many young men die in that war 3. A country with poor health care for women, many die in childbirth 4. A country where AIDS kills people in their 30s A B C D


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