Gen. 4:1-15 Cain and Abel (Gen. 4:1-15) Vs. 1-2; Eve gave birth Abel (in Hebrew) has the same consonant as a term used 30 times in the book of Ecclesiastes.

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2 Gen. 4:1-15

3 Cain and Abel (Gen. 4:1-15) Vs. 1-2; Eve gave birth Abel (in Hebrew) has the same consonant as a term used 30 times in the book of Ecclesiastes. Both Cain and Abel bring an offering to God. – Cain naturally brings from the fruit of the ground – Abel brings from the first fruit of his flocks and the fat portions God accepts Abel’s offering but not Cain’s

4 Cain and Abel (Gen. 4:1-15) God confronts Cain in his anger – “sin is crouching at the door” Cain kills his brother Abel. – The term brother used 7 times in this passage (6x’s in verse 8-11) God asks where his brother is? God pronounces a judgment on Cain – God in his mercy protects Cain even though he doesn’t deserve it

5 Comparison of Genesis 3 and 4 Similarities: – God questions the offender: “Where are you?”/”Where is Abel?” (Gen. 3:9, 4:9) – Curses pronounced: Man driven from the garden/ Cain driven from his home (vs. 14) Differences: – The serpent tried to persuade Eve to sin (Gen. 3) God tries to persuade Cain not to sin (Gen. 4) – Shifting of blame vs. outright lies – Adam and Eve accept their punishment while Cain protests that it is too severe

6 Cain and Abel in the NT Matt 5:21-22 – Murder condemned – The attitudes leading to murder condemned – This is exactly what happens in Gen. 4. – This is also illustrated in Gen. 37 (the term brother is used here 20 times) The story of Cain and Abel shows us what hatred can lead to. The prohibition of murder not only prohibits the act but prohibits the attitudes that lead to the act.

7 Cain and Abel in the NT 1 John 3:11-16 – Don’t be surprised when the world hates you. – We know we have been saved (1 John 5:13) by showing love to our brothers (vs. 14) – Those who hate their brother, is a murderer (mentioned right after the reference to Cain and Abel). – How do I love my brother? A good example shown in vs. 16

8 Cain and Abel in the NT Heb. 11:1-4 – Abel is the first example given of faith – Abel lives by faith and dependence upon God Luke 11:49-51 – Abel (Gen. 4) – Zechariah (2 Chron. 24) Heb. 12:22-24 – Abel’s blood cries out (for vengeance) – The blood of Jesus cries out for mercy


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